OP2 Bank Format

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OP2 Bank Format
Format typeMusical Instrument
HardwareOPL, MIDI
Number of instruments175
Instruments named?Yes, 31 char

The OP2 Bank Format is an instrument bank format used by the DMX sound library developed by Paul Radek of Digital Expressions, Inc. The 128 melodic and 47 percussion instrument limit was most likely chosen so that a single OP2 file could store all the instruments for a General MIDI song. This bank has support for two-voice instruments to provide support for pseudo four-operator instruments. File of this format usually has GENMIDI name without extension as embedded WAD resource, but also can have .OP2 extension.

File format

Data type Name Description
char[8] magic #OPL_II# signature, doesn't null terminated
BYTE[175][36] instrument Set of 175 instrument entry
char[175][32] names Instrument names per every instrument entry, must be null terminated


Each bank contains 128 melodic and 47 percussion instruments.

Data type Name OPL base register Description
UINT16LE flags N/A Instrument flags: 0x01 - fixed pitch, 0x02 - delayed vibrato (unused), 0x04 - Double-voice mode
UINT8 fineTune N/A Second voice detune level
UINT8 noteNum N/A Percussion note number (between 0 and 128)
First voice
UINT8 iModChar1 0x20 Modulator characteristic (Mult, KSR, EG, VIB and AM flags)
UINT8 iModAttack1 0x60 Modulator attack/decay level
UINT8 iModSustain1 0x80 Modulator sustain/release level
UINT8 iModWaveSel1 0xE0 Modulator wave select
UINT8 iModScale1 0x40 Modulator key scaling (first two bits)
UINT8 iModLevel1 0x40 Modulator output level (last six bits)
UINT8 iFeedback1 0xC0 Feedback/connection
UINT8 iCarChar1 0x23 Carrier characteristic (Mult, KSR, EG, VIB and AM flags)
UINT8 iCarAttack1 0x63 Carrier attack/decay level
UINT8 iCarSustain1 0x83 Carrier sustain/release level
UINT8 iCarWaveSel1 0xE3 Carrier wave select
UINT8 iCarScale1 0x43 Carrier key scaling (first two bits)
UINT8 iCarLevel1 0x43 Carrier output level (last six bits)
UINT8 reserved1 N/A Unused byte
INT16LE noteOffset1 N/A MIDI note offset for a first voice
Second voice
UINT8 iModChar2 0x20 Modulator characteristic (Mult, KSR, EG, VIB and AM flags)
UINT8 iModAttack2 0x60 Modulator attack/decay level
UINT8 iModSustain2 0x80 Modulator sustain/release level
UINT8 iModWaveSel2 0xE0 Modulator wave select
UINT8 iModScale2 0x40 Modulator key scaling (first two bits)
UINT8 iModLevel2 0x40 Modulator output level (last six bits)
UINT8 iFeedback2 0xC0 Feedback/connection
UINT8 iCarChar2 0x23 Carrier characteristic (Mult, KSR, EG, VIB and AM flags)
UINT8 iCarAttack2 0x63 Carrier attack/decay level
UINT8 iCarSustain2 0x83 Carrier sustain/release level
UINT8 iCarWaveSel2 0xE3 Carrier wave select
UINT8 iCarScale2 0x43 Carrier key scaling (first two bits)
UINT8 iCarLevel2 0x43 Carrier output level (last six bits)
UINT8 reserved2 N/A Unused byte
INT16LE noteOffset2 N/A MIDI note offset for a second voice

Instrument names

After 175'th instrument is folowing an array of 32-byte null-terminated instrument names

Fine tune

Fine tune value is an index offset of frequencies table. 128 is a center, i.e. don't detune. Formula of index offset is: (fine_tune / 2) - 64. Each unit of fine tune field is approximately equal to 1/0.015625 of tone.

Percussion instruments

Percussion instruments are in range between 35 (Bass drum 1) and 81 (Open Triangle) MIDI indeces.


The following tools are able to work with files in this format.

Name PlatformPlay? Create new? Modify? Convert/export to other? Import from other? Access hidden data? Edit metadata? Notes
IMF Creator WindowsYesYesYesYes; .op2Yes; manyYes; delayed vibratoYes Utility by Adam Biser to create IMF music. Also includes OP2 bank editor.
OPL3 Bank Editor Linux, Windows, macOSYesYesYesYes; manyYes; manyNoYes