Levels? | N/A |
Tiles? | N/A |
Sprites? | ![]() |
Fullscreen? | ![]() |
Sound? | ![]() |
Music? | N/A |
Text? | ![]() |
Story/cutscenes? | ![]() |
UI/menus? | ![]() |
Demos? | N/A |
Nomad is a space trading/adventure game developed by Papyrus Design Group and Intense! Interactive and published by GameTek in 1994.
The game's executable is a 16-bit DOS MZ. It does not have a 32-bit payload, instead using the Borland FBOV overlay management mechanism to work within the addressable memory limits of the OS. The file formats and much of the game logic was reverse engineered by cmb.
File formats
The data for Nomad is stored in five archive files. For the file format of the archives themselves, see DAT Format (Papyrus).
Files in ANIM.DAT
Contains images and data tables for the alien portrait animations.
File name | Format | Description |
*.ANM | Frame sequence tables that describe the animations | |
*.DEL | DEL Format | Raster image data |
*.SQB | Voice synchronization tables? |
Contains data tables with the characteristics of all the aliens, places, items, ships, facts, and equipment in the game. Each table uses its own format with a repeating structure.
Also contains data tables that are used by the game's alien conversation/talk engine.
File name | Description |
ALIEN.TAB | Alien data table. Describes each individual alien by their species, and a number of percentage/scaling values that may represent the alien's attitude or disposition. |
CCLASS.TAB | Communication jammer data table |
ECLASS.TAB | Ship engine data table |
FACT.TAB | Data table describing the responsiveness of each alien race to the learnable facts in the game universe |
GAMETEXT.TXT | Concatenated list strings, each one providing the name of a person, place, object, ship, or planet/star class. Also contained here are the strings of fact text and the meta-text phrases from which the game's conversation engine chooses pseudo-randomly. Uses Nomad Text Format. |
INVENT.TAB | Ship inventory data table. Operates as a linked list of 4-byte records, each one containing the count of a single type of item. |
LBOOSTER.TAB | Labor botbooster data table |
LCLASS.TAB | Labor bot data table. Describes the efficiency of each type of labor bot at a particular task. |
MCLASS.TAB | Missile data table |
META.TAB | Meta-text data table for conversation engine |
METATXT.TAB | List of offsets (into GAMETEXT.TXT) for meta-text strings |
MISSION.TAB | Alliance mission data table |
MISTEXT.TAB | List of offsets into MISTEXT.TXT |
MISTEXT.TXT | Mission text strings in Nomad Text Format |
MSYS.TAB | Missile loader ("MLoader") data table |
OBJECT.TAB | Inventory object data table. Describes the type of object, links to any informational text associated with it, and provides the relative value to each alien race. |
OBJTEXT.IDX | List of offsets into OBJTEXT.IDX |
OBJTEXT.TXT | Inventory object informational text strings in Nomad Text Format |
PCLASS.TAB | Place class data table (for star and planet classes). Contains lists of resources that can be harvested from each class of planet, and the quantities in which they are available. |
PLACE.TAB | Place data table (for stars and planets). Describes the place by the alien race that has claimed it, and its position in the star map. |
PODCLASS.TAB | Zeroed; unused by the game since production versions removed the storage pod game mechanic. |
RCLASS.TAB | Robot class data table (for ship-repair bots) |
SCCLASS.TAB | Scanner class data table |
SCLASS.TAB | Ship class data table. Contains a link to the name of the ship class, and the installed equipment. |
SHCLASS.TAB | Shield class data table |
SHIP.TAB | Ship data table. Contains many runtime flags that track the currently installed equipment as well as missile system status, damage to shields and armor, and location. |
STCLASS.TAB | Star class data table |
TLKNCxxx.TAB | Conversation engine table. Contains pointers to lines of dialogue and can optionally indicate whether a line is a direct question to the player. Used by only the single alien whose ID is in the numeric portion of the filename. |
TLKNRxxx.TAB | Conversation engine table. Contains pointers to lines of dialogue and can optionally indicate whether a line is a direct question to the player. Can be used by any member of the alien race whose ID is in the numeric portion of the filename. |
TLKPCxxx.TAB | Conversation engine table. Creates links between statements and reactions, which is used when the player interactively chooses a response from a list during conversation. This table determines the line of dialogue with which an alien will respond when the player chooses a particular path. Used by only the single alien whose ID is in the numeric portion of the filename. |
TLKPRxxx.TAB | Conversation engine table. Creates links between statements and reactions, which is used when the player interactively chooses a response from a list during conversation. This table determines the line of dialogue with which an alien will respond when the player chooses a particular path. Can be used by any member of the alien race whose ID is in the numeric portion of the filename. |
TLKTCxxx.TAB | Conversation engine table. Allows lookup of dialogue lines based on topic. Points to records in TLKNCxxx.TAB. Used by only the single alien whose ID is in the numeric portion of the filename. |
TLKTRxxx.TAB | Conversation engine table. Allows lookup of dialogue lines based on topic. Points to records in TLKNCxxx.TAB. Can be used by any member of the alien race whose ID is in the numeric portion of the filename. |
TLKXCxxx.IDX | Conversation engine table. List of offsets into TLKXCxxx.TXT at which the actual strings of dialogue text are stored. Used by only the single alien whose ID is in the numeric portion of the filename. |
TLKXCxxx.TXT | Concatenated list of Nomad Text Format strings, each one being a line of dialog for the alien whose ID is in the numeric portion of the filename. |
TLKXRxxx.IDX | Conversation engine table. List of offsets into TLKXRxxx.TXT at which the actual strings of dialogue text are stored. Can be used by any member of the alien race whose ID is in the numeric portion of the filename. |
TLKXRxxx.TXT | Concatenated list of Nomad Text Format strings, each one being a line of dialog for the alien race whose ID is in the numeric portion of the filename. |
USERTEXT.TXT | Unused; zero length |
Contains images of inventory objects.
File name | Description |
inv####.stp | Image data (in STP Format) for each of the inventory objects in the game, plus a few unused images that were never removed from the game's data files before release |
Contains audio files. All audio in the game is packed into archives using the very simple NNV Format. This is used even when the NNV archive contains only a single audio file. The audio data itself is encoded using the Nomad Sound Format.
File name | Description |
ALTEC.NNV | Altec Hocker theme music |
ALWAYS.NNV | Minor user interface sounds (computer beeps, etc.) |
ARCHBOT.NNV | Arch-bot speech |
ARDEN.NNV | Arden theme music |
ATLOSTEN.NNV | Sound effects used at the Losten planetary gateway |
BELICO.NNV | Bellicosian theme music |
BOTSEND.NNV | Labor bot status announcements |
CARGO.NNV | Cargo stowage sound effects |
CFIRST.NNV | Ship's computer name input instructions |
CHNTCLR.NNV | Chanticleer theme music |
COMLINK.NNV | Inter-ship comlink announcements and sound effects |
DAMAGE1.NNV | Damage and capsule ejection sound effects |
END.NNV | End game narration |
FAILSAFE.NNV | Audio for the Fail-Safe Device |
FARMBOT.NNV | Farm-bot speech |
FIXED.NNV | Engineering systems repair complete announcements |
FIX.NNV | Engineering systems repair announcements |
GASBOT.NNV | Gas-bot speech |
HUMM.NNV | Background hum |
IMMED.NNV | Explosion, combat, and engine sound effects |
INVNAV.NNV | Starmap zoom sound effects |
KENELM1.NNV | Kenelm speech |
KENELM2.NNV | Kenelm speech |
KENELM3.NNV | Kenelm speech |
KENELM4.NNV | Kenelm speech |
KOROK.NNV | Korok theme music |
LAND.NNV | Ship engine sound effect |
LOSE.NNV | Game-over narration |
MEND.NNV | Exit/credits theme music |
MINEBOT.NNV | Ore-bot speech |
MUSIN.NNV | Musin theme music |
NAR01.NNV | Intro narration - Disneyland / Space Mountain version |
NAR02.NNV | Intro narration - Disneyland / Space Mountain version |
NAR03.NNV | Intro narration - Disneyland / Space Mountain version |
PAHRUMP.NNV | Pahrump theme music |
PHELNSE1.NNV | Phelonese theme music |
PLANET1.NNV | Planet orbit announcements |
PLANET2.NNV | Labor bot telemetry sound effects |
POWER.NNV | Engine power-up/power-down sound effects |
RANCHBOT.NNV | Ranch-bot speech |
SCAN.NNV | Scanner sound effects |
SHAASA.NNV | Shaasa theme music |
SHIELDS.NNV | Shield sound effects |
SHOOT1.NNV | Combat status announcements |
SHOOT2.NNV | Combat status announcements |
SPYBOT.NNV | Spy-bot speech |
TALK.NNV | Miscellaneous com-link sound effects |
THEME.NNV | Theme music |
THEM.NNV | Announcements for other ships activities |
TIMELOCK.NNV | Ship's computer speech announcing time lock |
URSOR.NNV | Ursor theme music |
VOICE1_1.NNV | Altec Hocker speech |
VOICE2_1.NNV | Arden speech |
VOICE3_1.NNV | Bellicosian speech |
VOICE4_1.NNV | Chanticleer speech |
VOICE5_1.NNV | Musin speech |
VOICE6_1.NNV | Pahrump speech |
VOICE7_1.NNV | Phelonese speech |
VOICE8_1.NNV | Shaasa speech |
VOICE9_1.NNV | Ursor speech |
VOICE10.NNV | Korok speech |
WARP1.NNV | Engine power up/down sound effects |
WARP2.NNV | Ships entering/leaving local space sound effects |
WARP4.NNV | Engine power up/down sound effects |
WIN.NNV | Endgame victory narration |
Files in TEST.DAT
Contains everything else: 3D models, cutscene/intro images, overlay graphics and sprites, minor animations, palette data, and fonts.
File name | Format | Description |
ARDBC.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Arden ship 3D model |
ARDDS.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Arden ship 3D model |
ARDFGT2.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Arden ship 3D model |
backg.lbm | Raw VGA Image | Fullscreen intro/cutscene image |
backg.pal | Papyrus Palette Format | VGA palette data for backg.lbm |
BARREN#.PAL | Papyrus Palette Format | VGA palette data for planet surface |
BELDS.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Bellicosian ship 3D model |
BELPD.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Bellicosian ship 3D model |
BELRD.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Bellicosian ship 3D model |
border.stp | STP Format | Intro sequence frame border |
BOTA.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Labor bot 3D model (unused) |
BOTB.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Labor bot 3D model |
BOTC.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Labor bot 3D model |
CHACR.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Chanticleer ship 3D model |
CHALB.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Chanticleer ship 3D model |
CHANS2.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | "Second Harmony" star station 3D model |
CHATP.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Chanticleer ship 3D model |
cock#.lbm | Raw VGA Image | Cockpit zoom animation frame from intro sequence |
COMPUTER.BIN | Copy-protection data; unused in v1.00.00 and later | |
CONTROL.ROL | ROL Format (image archive) | Stamp roll of ship flight control graphics |
crashed.lbm | Raw VGA Image | Fullscreen cutscene image |
cred000#.lbm | Raw VGA Image | Fullscreen credits sequence images |
cred000#.pal | Papyrus Palette Format | VGA palette data for fullscreen credits sequence |
design.stp | STP Format | Intense! Interactive logo |
EARTH#.PAL | Papyrus Palette Format | VGA palette data for planet surface |
end1a.lbm | Raw VGA Image | Endgame scenario fullscreen image |
end1a.pal | Papyrus Palette Format | Endgame scenario fullscreen image palette |
end1b.lbm | Raw VGA Image | Endgame scenario fullscreen image |
end1b.pal | Papyrus Palette Format | Endgame scenario fullscreen image palette |
ENGINE.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Player's ship (drive section) 3D model; used during escape capsule jettison sequence |
ESCAPE.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Player's ship (cockpit section) 3D model; used during escape capsule jettison sequence |
EX0#.STP | STP Format | Explosion overlay graphic |
EXP0#.STP | STP Format | Explosion overlay graphic |
fixed.lbm | Raw VGA Image | Fullscreen image from intro sequence |
GAME.PAL | Papyrus Palette Format | VGA palette data for most of the game's resources |
getname.lbm | Raw VGA Image | Fullscreen cockpit image for player name entry |
getname.pal | Papyrus Palette Format | VGA palette data for fullscreen cockpit image |
gtek.stp | STP Format | GameTek logo as overlay for intro sequence |
guybody.stp | STP Format | Overlay graphic of shadowy government figure from intro sequence |
guyhead.rol | ROL Format (image archive) | Overlay graphic of shadowy government figure from intro sequence (head animation) |
guyhead2.rol | ROL Format (image archive) | Overlay graphic of shadowy government figure from intro sequence (head animation) |
guyturn.rol | ROL Format (image archive) | Overlay graphic of shadowy government figure from intro sequence (body animation) |
ICE#.PAL | Papyrus Palette Format | VGA palette data for planet surface |
KORCR.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Korok ship 3D model |
KORFGT.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Korok ship 3D model |
korok01.lbm | Raw VGA Image | Fullscreen image of Korok endgame scenario |
korok01.pal | Papyrus Palette Format | VGA palette data for fullscreen image of Korok endgame scenario |
korok02.lbm | Raw VGA Image | Fullscreen image of Korok endgame scenario |
korok02.pal | Papyrus Palette Format | VGA palette data for fullscreen image of Korok endgame scenario |
KORSP.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Korok ship 3D model |
LGFONT.BIN | Nomad Font Format | Font data (large type) |
MISSILE#.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | 3D models (one for each missile type) |
MOLTEN#.PAL | Papyrus Palette Format | VGA palette data for planet surface |
MUS.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Musin ship 3D model |
MYSTERY.NNV | NNV Format | Intro music |
NAR#.NNV | NNV Format | Intro narration (final version, non-Disneyland) |
NAVBKGND.STP | STP Format | Navigation map background |
NAVMAP.STP | STP Format | Navigation starmap |
newexp.nnv | NNV Format | Explosion sound effect |
nomad.stp | STP Format | Title graphic overlay |
oesi.lbm | Raw VGA Image | Intro sequence fullscreen image |
open08.lbm | Raw VGA Image | Earth on starfield |
open08.pal | Papyrus Palette Format | VGA palette data for open08.lbm |
PAH.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Pahrump ship 3D model |
papyrus.stp | STP Format | Papyrus design group overlay logo |
PHELD.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Phelonese ship 3D model |
PHETD.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Phelonese ship 3D model |
PLAYER.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Player's ship 3D model |
PSCAN.STP | STP Format | Planet scan overlay graphic |
SC200240.BIN | ? | Planet scale table |
SH0#.STP | STP Format | Shield effect overlay graphics |
SHABC.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Shaasa ship 3D model |
SHABS.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Shaasa ship 3D model |
SHAFGT.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Shaasa ship 3D model |
SHIELD.STP | STP Format | Shield effect overlay graphic |
SHIP.PAL | Papyrus Palette Format | VGA palette data for ships? |
SHIPST.ROL | ROL Format (image archive) | Series of overlays for ship's engineering systems |
SHP.ROL | ROL Format (image archive) | Series of overlays showing ship schematics |
SMFONT.BIN | Nomad Font Format | Font data (small type) |
smk.rol | ROL Format (image archive) | Intro snowfield crash and smoke plume animations |
snow.lbm | Raw VGA Image | Fullscreen image from intro sequence (snow field) |
STAR00##.STP | STP Format | Distant star overlay for starfield background |
URSCG.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Ursor ship 3D model |
URSFGT2.BIN | Nomad 3D Model Format | Ursor ship 3D model |
WATER#.PAL | Papyrus Palette Format | VGA palette data for planet surface |
win01.lbm | Raw VGA Image | Fullscreen image for victory endgame scenario |
win01.pal | Papyrus Palette Format | VGA palette data for fullscreen image (victory endgame scenario) |
win03.lbm | Raw VGA Image | Fullscreen image for victory endgame scenario |
win03.pal | Papyrus Palette Format | VGA palette data for fullscreen image (victory endgame scenario) |
win04.lbm | Raw VGA Image | Fullscreen image for victory endgame scenario |
win04.pal | Papyrus Palette Format | VGA palette data for fullscreen image (victory endgame scenario) |
WORLD##a.pln | Raw VGA Image with single-word header | Planet surface texture. Raw VGA (8-bit) data prefixed by a single little-endian 16-bit word that contains the image width. |
WORLD##a.pal | Papyrus Palette Format | VGA palette data for planet surface texture file with the same numeric filename portion. The alpha character 'a' may increment for multiple palettes. |
The following tools are able to work with this game.
Name | Platform | Archives | Levels | Graphics | Music | Sounds | Text | Saves | .exe patch | Notes |
Camoto/gamearchive.js | Any | Edit | N/A | No | N/A | No | No | No | No | |
Camoto/gamecode.js | Any | No | N/A | No | N/A | No | Some | No | Some | |
Camoto/gamegraphics.js | Any | No | N/A | Edit | N/A | No | No | No | No | |
Nomad Resource Explorer | Linux/Windows | Read | N/A | Read | N/A | Export | Read | No | No |