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Levels?Tick.png Editable
Tiles?Tick.png Editable
Sprites?Tick.png Editable
Fullscreen?Tick.png Editable
Sound?Tick.png Editable
Music?Tick.png Editable
Text?Tick.png Editable
Story/cutscenes?Tick.png Editable
UI/menus?X mark.svg Not editable
Demos?X mark.svg Not editable

Blood is a first-person shooter using the Build engine. It uses a later version of the engine than that used for Duke Nukem 3D, and includes new features such as 3D sprites and sector-over-sector. These new features are somewhat early in development however, and lack the refinement later found in Shadow Warrior. This can be seen by the somewhat jerky transition between sector-over-sector rooms, with similar transitions being seamless in Shadow Warrior.


The following tools are able to work with this game.

Name PlatformArchives Levels Graphics Music Sounds Text Saves .exe patch Notes
Build DOSNoEditViewNoNoNoNoNo
Camoto Linux/WindowsEditNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Camoto/gamearchive.js AnyEditNoNoNoNoNoNoNo


File formats

The following file formats are used by this game.

Filename Format Details
*.art ART Format (Build) Level textures
*.dmo DMO Format (Build) Demo macros
*.kvx KVX Format (Build) Voxel (3D) sprites
*.map MAP Format (Build) Game levels
*.mid MID Format Background music
*.qav QAV Format (Blood) Some kind of animation scripts
*.qfn QFN Format (Blood) Fonts
*.rff RFF Format Archive storing most of the game's data files
*.seq SEQ Format (Blood) ?
*.smk SMK Format Cutscenes/intro movies
gmtimbre.tmb TMB Format FM patches for MIDI music
*.wav WAV Format Intro sounds