Talk:God of Thunder Level Format

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Structure according to sources

'Description	                                               number of bytes  START END<p>
'char Grilla icon[12][20]                                                  240      0 240<br>
'char bg_color;            //240 background color	                     1    240 241
'char type;                //241 music                                       1    241 242
'char actor_type[16];      //242 type of enemies (12 max)                   16    242 258
'char actor_loc[16];       //254 location of enemies                        16    258 274
'char actor_value[16];     //pass value                                     16    274 290
'char pal_colors[3]        //change 251,253,254 to these three	             3    290 293
'char actor_invis[16];              ^ wrong numbers?                        16    293 309
'char extra[13]                                                             13    309 322
'char static_obj[30]       //302 static objects (treasure, keys,etc)        30    322 352
'int  static_x[30]         //332 X coor of static objects                   60    352 412
'int  static_y[30]         //392 Y coor of static objects                   60    412 472
'char new_level[10];       //452 level jump for icon 200-204                10    472 482
'char new_level_loc[10];   //462 grid location to jump in to                10    482 492
'char area;                //472 game area (1=forest,etc)                    1    492 493
'char actor_dir[16];       //initial dir                                    16    493 509
'char future[3];           //473                                             3    509 512
------------------------------^ wrong numbers in column                                                                                 

Changes according to the structure according to the sources LuisCoCo (talk) 18:05, 31 May 2023 (GMT)

Um. Listing information is not what a talk page is for. Such information should just be incorporated into the article. Things that might need further research can be indicated as such, possibly with the {{TODO}} template. -Nyerguds (talk) 23:00, 4 June 2023 (GMT)