Shadow Warrior (1993 Beta)

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Shadow Warrior (1993 Beta)
Shadow Warrior (1993 Beta).png
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Levels?X mark.svg Not editable
Tiles?Tick.png Editable
Sprites?X mark.svg Not editable
Text?X mark.svg Not editable
Story/cutscenes?Tick.png Editable

The Shadow Warrior 1993 Beta is the earliest version of what became known as Shadow Warrior four years later. This version uses a 3D engine written by Gerald Lindsly that is functionally very similar to Wolfenstein 3-D.


The following tools are able to work with this game.

Name PlatformArchives Levels Graphics Music Sounds Text Saves .exe patch Notes
Camoto Linux/WindowsEditNoPartialN/AN/ANoN/ANo
K1n9_Duk3's Enormous Tool DOSNoNoPartialN/AN/ANoN/ANo Supports intro cutscene


File formats

The following file formats are used by this game.

The files with numeric extensions are based on file type numbers in the DAT file. So a file of type 138 is listed as *.138 as this is how Camoto/gamearch names the files during extraction.
Filename Format Details
nc1.fli Duke Nukem II Animation Format Intro animation in FLIC format
*.dat DAT Format (Monster Bash) Game data
*.128 64x64 raw VGA, rotated 90 degrees and mirrored Wall tiles
*.129 Shadow Warrior (1993 Beta) Sprite Format Enemy sprite animation frames
Shadow Warrior (1993 Beta) Background Image Format Background image
*.134 6-bit VGA Palette Main palette
*.135 64x64 ASCII Game map
*.136 ASCII CRLF Mapping between map characters and tiles
*.138 Shadow Warrior (1993 Beta) Image Format Various images
*.139 ASCII CRLF Unknown purpose
MinFont Shadow Warrior (1993 Beta) Font Format Text font?