Highway Hunter

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Highway Hunter
Highway Hunter.png
There is no image of a modified version of this game — upload one!
Levels?X mark.svg Not editable
Tiles?X mark.svg Not editable
Sprites?X mark.svg Not editable
Fullscreen?X mark.svg Not editable
Sound?Tick.png Editable
Music?Tick.png Editable
Text?X mark.svg Not editable
Story/cutscenes?X mark.svg Not editable
UI/menus?X mark.svg Not editable


The following tools are able to work with this game.

Name PlatformArchives Levels Graphics Music Sounds Text Saves .exe patch Notes
Camoto Linux/WindowsEditNoNoEditReplaceNoNoNo

File formats

The following file formats are used by this game.

Filename Format Details
*.ani ANI Format (Highway Hunter) Unknown purpose
*.bin B800 Text Exit text screen
*.clr Highway Hunter CLR Format Palette?
*.cmf CMF Format Background music
123.dat DAT Format (Highway Hunter) Archive file storing most of the game data files
*.exe EXE Format Main .exe is compressed with PKLite
*.fnt Standard font 8×8 1bpp tileset, 256 tiles
*.lbm PBM Format Other images. Variant of the LBM Format.
*.mac Highway Hunter Demo Format Demo macros
*.map Highway Hunter Level Format Game levels
*.spr ICO Format (Halloween Harry) Game sprites (unrelated to Halloween Harry, just a coincidence that the format happens to be the same)
*.voc VOC Format Digitised sound effects