Catacomb Savegame Format

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Catacomb Savegame Format
Format typeSaved game
Save locationsUnrestricted
Elements savedKeys, potions, bolts, nukes

Catacomb II Savegames are always 34 Bytes in size and in little endian. The structure is as follows:

Pos | Size | Description
  0 |   2  | UNKNOWN (always 0)
  2 |   2  | keys
  4 |   2  | potions
  6 |   2  | bolts
  8 |   2  | UNKNOWN (always 0)
 10 |   2  | nukes
 12 |   4  | score
 16 |   2  | level
 18 |   2  | UNKNOWN (always 1)
 20 |   2  | UNKNOWN (always 1)
 22 |   1  | pos_x
 23 |   1  | pos_y
 24 |   2  | UNKNOWN (always 0)
 26 |   2  | UNKNOWN (always 1)
 28 |   2  | health
 30 |   4  | UNKNOWN (always 0x00FFFF00)


The game will pad any level with 11 additional tiles to all four sides of the map, so pos_x and pos_y will be the coordinates of the player's starting position +11. However, these coordinates will be ignored by the game when loading a savegame. You always start where you normally would upon entering the level.


This file format was reverse engineered by K1n9_Duk3. If you find this information helpful in a project you're working on, please give credit where credit is due. (A link back to this wiki would be nice too!)