Castles II: Siege and Conquest Save Game Format

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Castles II: Siege and Conquest Save Game Format
Format typeSaved game
Save locationsUnknown
Elements saved?

The Castles II: Siege and Conquest Save Game Format is used to store the game details of Castles II: Siege and Conquest.

The file is of fixed length, of 11682 bytes for the floppy version and 11733 bytes for the CD version. As such, the location of each byte determines the meaning of the data stored at that location.

File format

The file is encrypted using bit-wise XOR, or bitxor. The second byte (byte 1) is the encryption bitxor value. The file is split into sections. From the 5th byte onward, the first byte of each section is bitxored with the encryption bitxor value, as well as with the length of that section (modulo 256). Every remaining byte in each section is bitxored with the immediately preceding (bitxored) byte. In this way, randomly changing the value of a given byte will likely change multiple values within the game, rendering the save game buggy or unusable. This is also further complicated by that many game fields take up 2 bytes (in little endian style), thus changing the value of a given byte will likely make that field's value too large or garbage. Thus, to correctly edit the same game file, the values need to be correctly re-encrypted.

For example, the first section (tasks) has a length of 936 bytes. 936 modulo 256 is 168. Say the encryption bitxor value was 172, and the first 5 bytes of the tasks section from the save game file were 5, 4, 4, 136, and 171. To decrypt these values, bitxor the first value (5) with the encryption bitxor value (172), to get 169. Then bitxor this value with the length of section modulo 256 (168), to get 1. For subsequent bytes, take the bitxor with the immediately preceding byte value; 5 bitxored with 4 is 1, 4 bitxored with 4 is 0, 4 bitxored with 136 is 140, and 136 bitxored with 171 is 35. So the decrypted values are 1, 1, 0, 140, and 35. The 1st byte means the task is in progress, the 2nd and 3rd bytes (little endian) are the current progress of the task (value of 1, indicating a task which just begun), and the 4th and 5th bytes (little endian) are the total progress needed to complete the task, in this case 140 + 35*256 = 9100.

In Excel, the bitxor of two values can be via the BITXOR command for newer versions, or by using the following formula for older versions (assuming the two values are in A1 and A2):


Although the below tables gives data types as unsigned integers (UINTs), it is possible that some (or many) of them are actually signed (INTs). However, generally speaking, most of the values should be from 0 to 127, so this does not make a difference. A notable exception is that the progress to the next Adm/Mil/Pol are signed integers, but for Adm, the player needs to reach a threshold of 125 for 8 Adm and 140 for 9 Adm, making it very difficult to reach 8 Adm and impossible to reach 9 Adm through task completions alone.

Start byte Length Data type First byte bitxor Description
0 (0x0000) 1 UINT8 (none) Unknown (value is always 16 (0xA0) )
1 (0x0001) 1 UINT8 (none) Encryption bitxor value for rest of save file (from byte 4 onward)
2 (0x0002) 2 UINT16LE (none) Number of sections in save file (value is always 25 (0xA9) for floppy, 29 (0xAD) for CD)
4 (0x0004) 936 UINT8 168 Tasks; each task uses 26 bytes of data, tasks 1 to 6 for each of the 6 factions
940 (0x03AC) 2 UINT16LE 2 Unknown, likely number of tasks (value is always 36 (0x24) )
942 (0x03AE) 858 UINT8 90 Player stats; each set uses 143 bytes of data, for each the 6 factions
1800 (0x0708) 2 UINT16LE 2 Unknown, likely number of players (value is always 6 (0x06) )
1802 (0x070A) 36 UINT8 36 Relations between factions; each set uses 6 bytes of data, for each of the 6 factions
1838 (0x072E) 2 UINT16LE 2 Faction of the human player (0 = Valois, 1 = Anjou, 2 = Albion, 3 = Burgundy, 4 = The Pope, 5 = Aragon)
1840 (0x0730) 9252 UINT8 36 Territory data; each set uses 257 bytes, for each of the 36 territories
11092 (0x2B54) 2 UINT16LE 2 Unknown, likely number of territories (value is always 36 (0x24) )
11094 (0x2B56) 400 INT16LE 144 Variables for plots
11494 (0x2CE6) 2 UINT16LE 2 Unknown (to be determined)
11496 (0x2CE8) 88 Unknown 88 Unknown (to be determined)
11584 (0x2D40) 2 UINT16LE 2 Days left until next plot event
11586 (0x2D42) 72 INT16LE 72 Months left before revolt for each of the 36 territories (2 bytes each)
11658 (0x2D8A) 2 UINT16LE 2 Time of day (once it reaches 48 or 50 or so, advance to next day)
11660 (0x2D8C) 2 UINT16LE 2 Current date (add 1, i.e. save file value of 6 is in-game date of 7)
11662 (0x2D8E) 2 UINT16LE 2 Current month (0 = Jan, 1 = Feb, 2 = Mar, etc.)
11664 (0x2D90) 2 UINT16LE 2 Current year
11666 (0x2D92) 2 UINT16LE 2 Unknown (to be determined)
11668 (0x2D94) 2 UINT16LE 2 Plots on or off (0 = off, 1 = on)
11670 (0x2D96) 2 UINT16LE 2 Unknown (to be determined)
11672 (0x2D98) 2 UINT16LE 2 Faction of human player (but not used? byte 1838 is what determines human player stats)
11674 (0x2D9A) 2 UINT16LE 2 Unknown (to be determined)
11676 (0x2D9C) 2 UINT16LE 2 Unknown (to be determined)
11678 (0x2D9E) 2 UINT16LE 2 Battles on or off (0 = off, 1 = on)
11680 (0x2DA0) 2 UINT16LE 2 Difficulty (0 = easy, 1 = easy, 2 = hard, 3 = impossible)

For the CD version of the game, the last few sections are instead:

Start byte Length Data type First byte bitxor Description
11680 (0x2DA0) 2 UINT16LE 2 Music level
11682 (0x2DA2) 2 UINT16LE 2 Speech on or off (0 = off, 1 = on)
11684 (0x2DA4) 2 UINT16LE 2 Difficulty (0 = easy, 1 = average, 2 = hard, 3 = impossible)
11686 (0x2DA6) 36 UINT8 36 Territory's unique castle ID (0 = none, 1 = Beaumaris, 2 = Bodiam, etc.)
11722 (0x2DCA) 11 UINT8 11 If human has built unique castle (1st byte always 0, 2nd byte is Beaumaris, 3rd byte is Bodiam, etc.; 0 = not built, 1 = built)


Each task consists of 26 bytes of data. The tasks are stored from the first task to the sixth task for each of the factions, in the order of Valois, Anjou, Albion, Burgundy, The Pope, and Aragon.

The data for each task is:

Start byte Length Data type Description
0 1 UINT8 Status (1 = in progress, 3 = not active (completed or cancelled), 4 = unavailable)
1 2 UINT16LE Current progress on task
3 2 UINT16LE Needed progress to complete task
5 2 UINT16LE Unknown (usually 0, but sometimes 1 for computer tasks)
7 1 UINT8 Task ID
8 1 UINT8 Number of Adm points used on task
9 1 UINT8 Number of Mil points used on task
10 1 UINT8 Number of Pol points used on task
11 7 Unknown Unknown
18 1 UINT8 Target territory (0 if none, else 0 to 35 for the 36 possible territories)
19 1 UINT8 Target faction (0 = none or Valois, 1 = Anjou, 2 = Albion, 3 = Burgundy, 4 = The Pope, 5 = Aragon, 7 = neutral)
20 5 Unknown Task-dependent data
25 1 UINT8 If task was cancelled (0 = not cancelled, 1 = cancelled)

The list of Task IDs are:

Task ID Name
0 (blank)
1 Gather Food
2 Cut Timber
3 Mine Iron
4 Refine Gold
5 Build Castle
6 Police Realm
7 Infantry
8 Archers
9 Knights
10 Ballista
11 Catapult
12 Siege Tower
13 Trojan Rabbit (unavailable in game)
14 Attack
15 Saboteur
16 Scout
17 Spy
18 Diplomat
19 Merchant
20 Happiness
21 Council

Note that TASKS.BIN has more data on the characteristics of each task.

Player stats

Each set of player stats consists of 143 bytes of data, for each faction in the order of Valois, Anjou, Albion, Burgundy, The Pope, and Aragon.

The data for each player is:

Start byte Length Data type Description
0 1 UINT8 Maximum Adm points
1 1 UINT8 Maximum Mil points
2 1 UINT8 Maximum Pol points
3 1 UINT8 Available Adm points
4 1 UINT8 Available Mil points
5 1 UINT8 Available Pol points
6 1 UINT8 Happiness
7 1 UINT8 Number of territories
8 1 UINT8 Possible Food production
9 1 UINT8 Possible Timber production
10 1 UINT8 Possible Iron production
11 1 UINT8 Possible Gold production
12 1 UINT8 Number of completed castles
13 1 UINT8 Current Amount of Food
14 1 UINT8 Current Amount of Timber
15 1 UINT8 Current Amount of Iron
16 1 UINT8 Current Amount of Gold
17 1 UINT8 Current Amount of Infantry
18 1 UINT8 Current Amount of Archers
19 1 UINT8 Current Amount of Knights
20 1 UINT8 Current Amount of Ballista
21 1 UINT8 Current Amount of Catapult
22 1 UINT8 Current Amount of Siege Tower
23 1 UINT8 Current Amount of Trojan Rabbit (unavailable in game)
24 1 UINT8 Current Amount of Infantry (repeat, value used by game is above value not this one)
25 1 UINT8 Current Amount of Archers (repeat, value used by game is above value not this one)
26 1 UINT8 Current Amount of Knights (repeat, value used by game is above value not this one)
27 1 UINT8 Current Amount of Ballista (repeat, value used by game is above value not this one)
28 1 UINT8 Current Amount of Catapult (repeat, value used by game is above value not this one)
29 1 UINT8 Current Amount of Siege Tower (repeat, value used by game is above value not this one)
30 1 UINT8 Current Amount of Trojan Rabbit (repeat, value used by game is above value not this one)
31 1 UINT8 Church standing (0 = excommunicated, 1 = not excommunicated)
32 1 UINT8 Unknown (always 6?)
33 1 UINT8 Unknown (always 0?)
34 1 UINT8 Unknown, but probably related to attack effectiveness (is based on Mil points, army size and happiness)
35 1 UINT8 Unknown, but probably related to defense effectiveness (is based on Mil points, army size and happiness)
36 1 UINT8 Rank (based on score), updated at beginning of each month
37 1 UINT8 If claimed the throne (0 = haven't claimed, 1 = have claimed the throne)
38 1 UINT8 Unknown (0 if computer, 1 if human)
39 3 Unknown Unknown (seems to always be 0)
42 8 ASCII Name (in ASCII)
50 22 Unknown Unknown (seems to always be 0)
72 2 UINT16LE Current score
74 1 INT8 Progress toward next Adm point (since is signed, difficult to advance to 8 Adm, impossible to advance to 9 Adm)
75 1 INT8 Progress toward next Mil point
76 1 INT8 Progress toward next Pol point
77 1 UINT8 Number of possible concurrent tasks
78 1 UINT8 Unknown (0 if computer, 1 if human)
79 1 UINT8 Starting territory
80 6 UINT8 Opinion of each of the factions (Valois, Anjou, Albion, Burgundy, The Pope, Aragon), minimum of 1, maximum of 9
86 6 INT8 Months since was last attacked/saboteured by each faction (-1 means never)
92 6 INT8 Months since last successful diplomacy with each faction (-1 means never)
98 1 Unknown Unknown
99 1 UINT8 Church standing message (if different from byte 31, give appropriate message)
100 1 UINT8 Resource type needed to pay troops (0 = food, 3 = gold)
101 1 UINT8 Amount of food/gold needed to pay troops
102 1 UINT8 If human player didn't pay troops
103 1 UINT8 Number of troop units
104 1 INT8 Days left before checking to pay troops (-1 = don't need to pay troops)
105 1 UINT8 If computer player didn't pay troops
106 1 UINT8 After claim, days left before Pope decides on claim
107 36 UINT8 Apparent map to player for each of 36 territories (6 = unexplored, 8 = Valois, 9 = Anjou, 10 = Albion, 11 = Burgundy, 12 = The Pope, 13 = Aragon, 15 = neutral; add 16 if partial castle, 32 if small castle, 48 if large castle; add 64 if player owns territory; add 128 if player is computer)

Relations between factions

Each set of relations is 6 bytes long, storing each faction's relations with each of the 6 factions (including themselves). The order is Valois, Anjou, Albion, Burgundy, The Pope, and Aragon, for both each set of 6 bytes and the 6 bytes within each set. The relations are as shown in the "relations" screens, with values from 1 to 9. Though probably not important, it should be noted that a player's relation with himself is 9 if he's a computer, and 8 if he's the human.

Territory data

The data for each territory is 257 bytes long. After an initial set of data containing basic information about the territory, the rest pertains to the castle on the territory (if it exists), such as the ID, location, hitpoints, etc. of each piece.

Start byte Length Data type Description
0 1 UINT8 Owner (0 = Valois, 1 = Anjou, 2 = Albion, 3 = Burgundy, 4 = The Pope, 5 = Aragon, 7 = neutral)
1 1 UINT8 Resource (0 = Food, 1 = Timber, 2 = Iron, 3 = Gold)
2 240 UINT8 Data for each castle piece, in sets of 3 bytes for each of 80 allowed pieces
242 2 UINT16LE Number of castle pieces in data
244 2 UINT16LE Number of castle pieces to be built (i.e. actual castle)
246 2 UINT16LE Total built castle points, excluding moat (in tenths of a point)
248 2 UINT16LE Total possible castle points, excluding moat (in tenths of a point)
250 2 UINT16LE Percentage completed (including moat if applicable)
252 2 UINT16LE Whether or not moat will be built (0 = no moat, 1 = moat)
254 2 UINT16LE Moat points completed, max 500 (in tenths of a point, so value of 500 means 50 points)
256 1 UINT8 Castle build priority (0 = uniform, 1 = outward, 2 = inward, 3 = tower)

Each castle piece is composed of 3 bytes, in little endian form. The first 6 bits (the "small" 6 bits of the first byte) are the horizontal coordinate of the castle piece, with 0 being at the left. The next 6 bits (the "large" 2 bits of the first byte being the smaller bits, and the "small" 4 bits of the second byte being the large bits) are the vertical coordinate of the castle piece, with 0 being at the top. The next 4 bits (the "large" 4 bits of the second byte) are the type of castle piece. For the last byte, the first bit (the "small" bit) is if the piece is a small piece (0) or a tall piece (1). The next 5 bits are the points value of the piece, which is up to 19 for all small pieces except the keep and is up to 31 for all tall pieces and the small keep. Note that this includes the door. The next bit (representing 64) is 1 if the piece has been modified since the last time it was viewed by the human player, 0 if no change since the last time. The practical use of this bit is unknown. The last bit (representing 128) is unused.

The pieces are:

Value Name
0 Square tower
1 Round tower
2 (Unused)
3 Keep
4 Low wall (east-west)
5 Low wall (northwest-southeast)
6 Low wall (north-south)
7 Low wall (northeast-southwest)
8 High wall (east-west)
9 High wall (northwest-southeast)
10 High wall (north-south)
11 High wall (northeast-southwest)
12 door (east-west)
13 door (north-south)
14 (Unused)
15 (Unused)

Note that the castle file, *.LYT, is simply the first 246 bytes of this territory data, in unencrypted form.

The territories are:

Territory ID Name
0 Brittany
1 Normandy
2 Rouen
3 Amiens
4 Calais
5 Flanders
6 Vannes
7 Chartres
8 Reims
9 Nantes
10 Maine
11 Orleans
12 Dijon
13 Poitou
14 Tours
15 La Marche
16 Blois
17 Nevers
18 Bourbon
19 Angouleme
20 Limoges
21 Rochefort
22 Bergerac
23 Auvergne
24 Bordeaux
25 La Tour
26 Quercy
27 Loire
28 Lyon
29 Valence
30 Gascony
31 Toulouse
32 Albi
33 Narbonne
34 Nimes
35 Provence

Variables for plots

These are mostly related to data used in the plots in a given game. They are used to store plot details such as the player's choices (plot progress -- such as where in the plotline the player is -- is stored elsewhere). Each variable is two bytes long, signed. They are referred to in lib.clu as variable 1000 to variable 1199, and thus will be referred to in the same way here; these are stored as variables 0 to 199 in this section, each two bytes long. Though they can be used to store different things, a number of these variables are used in the same way and stored across different plots. Known variables are below.

For the fractional values, once they reach 100, they increment the related field. For example, if the fractional human player relations with The Pope reaches 106, then it will be changed to 6 and the human player's relations with The Pope will increase by 1.

Variable Length Data type Description
1088 2 INT16LE Fractional human player relations with The Pope (out of 100)
1089 2 INT16LE Fractional human player relations with Aragon (out of 100)
1090 2 INT16LE Fractional human player relations with Anjou (out of 100)
1091 2 INT16LE Fractional human player relations with Burgundy (out of 100)
1092 2 INT16LE Fractional human player relations with Valois (out of 100)
1093 2 INT16LE Fractional human player relations with Albion (out of 100)
1099 2 INT16LE Fractional human player happiness (out of 100)
1197 2 INT16LE Faction of human player (0 = Valois, 1 = Anjou, 2 = Albion, 3 = Burgundy, 5 = Aragon)

Months left before revolt

This gives the months left before each territory will revolt, in 2-byte signed integers for each of the 36 territories (for a total of 72 bytes). It decreases by 1 on the 1st of each month. Once the territory is at 5 months or less, it'll start warning that a revolt is likely. Once the territory is at 1 month, on the 1st of the following month it will revolt. If the value is 0xFFFF then it is not counting down months to revolt (because it is neutral or because a Large Castle is nearby.)


This format was reverse engineered by Vanshilar. If you find this information helpful in a project you're working on, please give credit where credit is due. (A link back to this wiki would be nice too!)