The Lost Vikings
The Lost Vikings is a platformer with three characters to control, all in the same level at the same time. The player must switch between all three and get them all to the exit in order to finish each level. Each character has a special skill and most levels require combining the skills in order to reach the exit.
The following tools are able to work with this game.
Name | Platform | Archives | Levels | Graphics | Music | Sounds | Text | Saves | .exe patch | Notes |
Blizzard DATA unpacker | Windows | Extract | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | partial support |
Camoto | Linux/Windows | Edit | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No decompression support |
Camoto/gamearchive.js | Any | Edit | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | |
Lost Vikings data extractor | Windows | Extract | No | No | No | No | No | No | No |
File formats
The following file formats are used by this game.
Filename | Format | Details |
*.dat | DAT Format (The Lost Vikings) | Main game data archive holding the rest of the files in this list |
*.xmi | XMI Format | Background music |
Other file formats
This section needs to be tidied up. It contains notes about the format of various files inside the main archive.
The game also operates with distinct "game screens", each with an index.
Game screens:
0: First level 1: Second level ... 36: Last level 37: Death screen 38: Menu, screen 3 39: Menu, screen 1 40: Menu, screen 2 41: Galaxy fall (between levels) 43: Intro level (demo) 44: Intro level part 2 45: Game complete 46: Game complete 2 47: Credits screen
Each screen have a screendata chunk, which is mapped as following (2 byte (LSB) index for each):
19F0:940C C6 00 C8 00 CA 00 CC 00 28 00 2A 00 2C 00 2E 00 ........(.*.,... 19F0:941C 30 00 32 00 34 00 4B 00 4D 00 4F 00 51 00 53 00 0.2.4.K.M.O.Q.S. 19F0:942C 55 00 72 00 74 00 76 00 78 00 7A 00 7C 00 7E 00 U.r.t.v.x.z.|.~. 19F0:943C 80 00 9C 00 9E 00 A0 00 A2 00 A4 00 A6 00 A8 00 ................ 19F0:944C AA 00 CE 00 D0 00 D2 00 D4 00 71 01 7D 01 86 01 ..........q.}... 19F0:945C 8C 01 92 01 7E 01 AF 01 B0 01 B1 01 B2 01 DA 00 ....~...........
Screendata contents:
22: Index of next gamescreen 28: Type? (1: level) 41: Tilemap width 46..47: Chunk ID with tilemap 48..49: Chunk ID with tile definitions (pixels) 50..51: Chunk ID with metatile definitions (4 tiles) 67: N chunks of unknown type, length 14, terminated by FF FF 67+N*14+2: N chunks of palette data, length 3, terminated by FF FF
Offset 67 (unknown data):
0..1: Chunk ID? (list terminates if this is FFFF) 2..13: Unknown data
Offset 67+N*14+2 (palette):
0..1: Chunk ID (list terminates if this is FFFF) 2: First color index (multiply this with 3 and copy data to that destination, palette is 256*3 bytes
Palette setup:
1: Prepare array with 3x256 bytes 2: Load each chunk to its location (several chunks with different sizes may be written to the same index) 3: Set color 16, 32, 48, 64, ..., 240 to [0,0,0] (black) 4: Color 4 is special (transparent/background/...?)
Tile format
Each tile is 8 x 8 pixels, with 256 colors (using a palette).
Pixels are organised as following:
0: Pos 0/0 1: Pos 4/0 2: Pos 0/1 3: Pos 4/1 4: Pos 0/2 ... 14: Pos 0/7 15: Pos 4/7 16: Pos 1/0 17: Pos 5/0 ... 62: Pos 3/7 63: Pos 7/7
Metatile format
Each metatile consist of 2 x 2 tiles (16 x 16 pixels).
0..1: Upper left tile 2..3: Upper right tile 4..5: Lower left tile 6..7: Lower right tile
Each tile in this list is 16 bit LSB.
Bit 4: Horizontal flip Bit 5: Vertical flip Bit 6..15: Tile index
Tilemap format
Tilemap have 2 bytes (LSB) for each metatile.
Bit 0..8: Metatile index