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Release date1990

PKLite is a utility that compresses an executable file into a smaller, self-extracting form. It has been used in a few games although LZEXE was more popular.

A PKLite compressed executable can be recognized by the presence of the "PKWARE" copyright string near the start of the .exe file, although sometimes this has been changed to hide the fact that PKLite has been used.

There are a number of utilities that can decompress PKLite .exe files, including PKLite itself with the -x option.

PKLite itself uses a version of the LZSS algorithm tweaked to operate more at the byte level to make decompression quicker, with a Huffman table used for the LZSS offset and length values to further reduce their size.

File structure

The file is in standard DOS EXE Format. The block of data that normally contains executable code instead contains a small decompression routine, followed by the compressed data.

The file is laid out in the following order:

  • Normal MZ .exe header
    • Extra space for the PKWare copyright header
    • Extra space for the original .exe header, minus the "MZ" signature
  • Decompression code in the normal .exe code block
    • Compressed data follows the decompression code, still in the normal .exe code block
    • After the compressed code there is a compressed relocation table using a different compression algorithm
    • After the compressed relocation table there is some trailing data of unknown purpose

The offsets for the various structures are as follows.


See EXE Format for the normal MZ header. The fields referred to in the following text are from the header described on that page.

Within the MZ header, the documented fields finish at offset 0x1C. PKLite adds some extra fields at this offset:

  • At offset 0x1C from the start of the .exe there is a UINT8 for the minor version number, followed by another UINT8 for the major version number. Only the lower 4 bits appear to be used, so bytes 01 02 mean PKLite version 2.1 and version bytes 05 21 mean PKLite version 1.5. The fifth (0x10) and sixth bits (0x20) are set in the major version number with 0x10 meaning "extra" compression (and PKLite will refuse to decompress it) and 0x20 meaning "large" compression (see below). Use majorVersion & 0x0F to extract the actual major version number.
  • Following this, at offset 0x1E there is a copyright message that continues until the start of the relocation table (offReloc from the .exe header).
  • At offReloc (again as a byte offset relative to the start of the .exe) the relocation table begins. numReloc * 4 bytes should be skipped to jump over the relocation table. While there are usually zero entries in this relocation table, sometimes there are some (e.g. DOOFUS.EXE).
  • After the relocation table (if present) there is extra data added by PKLite. This data is the original .exe header, minus the "MZ" bytes. To restore the original .exe file, write out "MZ" followed by this extra data. It continues until the end of the PKLite .exe header (pgHeader * 16).
  • The original relocation table should then be written to the .exe file but we don't have this yet as it is located after the compressed code.
  • After this, at offset pgHeader * 16 the decompression routine starts. By seeking a further 0x4E bytes into this code ! Confirm this offset is the same for all PKLite versions and reading a UINT8, the offset of the compressed data can be obtained. This value is in paragraphs (16-byte blocks) from the start of the memory address where the .exe is loaded, so some calculations are necessary to convert it to an offset in the .exe file. This is because the value is relative to address 0x100 as this is where all .exe files have their code loaded, but we need to change it to be relative to where the code begins in the .exe file itself, which is at offset pgHeader * 16. The calculation for this is offset_of_compressed_data = (pgHeader + byte_from_offset_0x4e - 0x10) * 16.

Relocation table

Once the compressed data has been decompressed (see example code below) and the 0xFF special code has been received indicating the end of the data, the compressed relocation table can be read. Simply perform the following in a loop.

Long mode

Long mode is used in the following circumstances:

  • The extra flag is set in the PKLite header, and
  • The version in the PKLite header is >= 1.12 (i.e. version code 0x_10C, where _ is ignored due to the flags)

It works as follows:

  1. Set the initial msb to 0x0000.
  2. Read a UINT16LE as count. If it is 0xFFFF, exit the loop as the process is complete.
  3. Loop count times, doing:
    1. Read a UINT16LE as lsb.
    2. Write a UINT32LE with msb as the upper 16-bits and lsb as the lower 32-bits, i.e. (msb << 16) | lsb.
  4. Add 0x0FFF to msb and go back to step 2.

Note that PKLite normalises the addresses during compression, so the original values cannot be recovered (but the values that are recovered will work just as well). This is because input file might have a relocation value of 22 00 11 00 (meaning address 0011:0022, and 0x11 * 16 + 0x22 = address 0x132) however this will be normalised to 0000:0132 and written as 32 01 00 00 instead. This is done so that the majority of addresses can be written with the msb as 0x0000.

Short mode

When the above conditions for long mode are not met, this algorithm is used instead:

  1. Read a UINT8 as count. If it is zero, exit the loop as the process is complete.
  2. Read a UINT16LE as msb.
  3. Loop count times, doing:
    1. Read a UINT16LE as lsb.
    2. Write a UINT32LE with msb as the upper 16-bits and lsb as the lower 32-bits, i.e. (msb << 16) | lsb.

PKLite does not interfere with the relocation values in this method, so the original relocation table can be restored.


Once the relocation table has been written to the output .exe (after the original header has been written), the following data remains after the compressed relocation table, here referred to as the PKLite footer:

Data type Name Description
UINT16LE final_segSS Final relative value for SS
UINT16LE final_regSP Final value for SP
UINT16LE final_segCS Final relative value for CS
UINT16LE final_regIP Final relative value for IP. Some decompressors consider this the 'checksum' value to go into the original .exe header, however the values here more closely match the IP register. It would also be odd to exclude the value for IP as getting it wrong will prevent the program from running, and the checksum is mostly ignored by DOS.

This is for loading into the registers normally initialised by DOS when an EXE file is loaded, such that once the decompression process is finished, it looks like everything was set up as normal. These values are repeated here even though they are identical to the values in the original header because the original header is not loaded into memory by DOS. These values are not required to rewrite the original .exe file if the extra flag is off, but when it is on, the original .exe header is not saved so it must be reconstructed using the values here.

  • After writing out the relocation table, 0x00 bytes must be inserted to pad the data up until the code begins. The code starts at the offset indicated by pgHeader * 16 so 0x00 bytes must be added until this offset is reached.
  • After the padding, the decompressed code can be written and the original .exe file has been restored.

Compression algorithm

The algorithm was originally documented as the OpenTESArena PKLite specification by Dozayon. It works for most files with "large" compression but there are still some edge cases it does not work for, notably those files that do not have the flag set for "large" compression.

Example source code

A number of utilities were released in the 1990s that could decompress PKLite .exe files, however these either patched and ran the x86 machine-code decompressor in the .exe file or did not come with source code, so they are of no help for documenting the decompression process here.

The following examples are the original source for the next generation of decompressors - those that are open source. Note that some of these only decompress the machine code block so that data from it can be extracted, and lack the ability to write a working .exe file.

  • C++
    • MZ-Explode contains a disassembled version of the PKLite decompressor converted back to C code. Since it is disassembled, it handles every variant correctly and served as the basis for most of the information on this page.
    • OpenTESArena unpacker works for a few common files, but can't handle files where the large flag is off and can't write out a working .exe.
  • C
    • depklite, a C conversion by NY00123 of the OpenTESArena unpacker with similar limitations
    • hackerb9 depklite, a command-line interface to NY00123's depklite
  • Javascript
    • gamecomp.js, writes a working .exe and supports the 'large' and 'extra' flags on and off, written while adding most of the information to this page
  • Other
    • testexe, a collection of small .exe files compressed with all known versions of PKLite, with large and extra flags on and off, suitable for testing decompressors for correctness.


The MZ-Explode source code, being a complete disassembly, served as the basis for the information on this page. The compression algorithm was partially reverse engineered and documented for OpenTESArena by Dozayon.