Mystic Towers

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Mystic Towers
Mystic Towers.png
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Levels?X mark.svg Not editable
Tiles?X mark.svg Not editable
Sprites?X mark.svg Not editable
Fullscreen?Tick.png Editable
Sound?X mark.svg Not editable
Music?Tick.png Editable
Text?X mark.svg Not editable
Story/cutscenes?X mark.svg Not editable
UI/menus?X mark.svg Not editable

Mystic Towers is an isometric action/puzzle game starring the comical wizard Baron Baldric. Gameplay revolves around destroying all monsters in each tower, as well as the tower's monster generator, which requires a special bomb spell to blow up.


The following tools are able to work with this game.

Name PlatformArchives Levels Graphics Music Sounds Text Saves .exe patch Notes
Camoto Linux/WindowsEditNoSomeNoNoNoNoNo

File formats

The following file formats are used by this game.

Filename Format Details
*.dat DAT Format (Mystic Towers) Archive storing most of the game data
*.fnt 8×8 monochrome font bitmap 8×8 font
*.mod MOD Format Protracker Modul (Music)
*.pcs Mystic Towers PC Speaker Sound Format Archive storing PC Speaker Sounds
*.pcx PCX Format 320×200 full-screen images
Note: Mystic Towers ignores the PCX header, so all PCX images must be 320×200 pixels.
*.sbk Mystic Towers Sound Bank Format Archive storing 8Bit signed PCM Mono Audio Files
*.sp Mystic Towers Sprite Format Archive storing sprites. Palettes are taken from the PCX files.
*.spp Mystic Towers Sprite Palettes Format Stores 32 colors for 'MAIN2.PCX' index 33 - 64 as 6-bit DAC RGB
*.tab Mystic Towers Highscore Format Stores the highscore table
MagicID: 'AmBk' Amiga OS Memory Bank ?
MagicID: 'AmSp' Amiga OS Sprite Bank Archive storing sprites with 5-bit palette (never used in the DOS version)
MYSTMSG1 Game Messages Format XOR 85 coded file
DEMO Mystic Towers Demo Format ?