Jill of the Jungle Map Format

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Jill of the Jungle Map Format
Jill of the Jungle Map Format.png
Format typeMap/level
Map type2D tile-based
Layer count2
Tile size (pixels)16×16
Viewport (pixels)232×160

The Jill of the Jungle Map Format is the format used to describe the levels played during the game. The maps contain two layers - a background layer and an "object" layer. The background layer is a grid of 16x16 pixel tiles, 128 tiles wide and 64 tiles high. The object layer is made up of an arbitrary list of objects, with X and Y offsets in pixels.

File format

The main map file starts off with the background layer, then immediately following it is the foreground layer, the savegame data block and the string stack.

Background layer

The background layer is quite simple. It is an array of 8,192 16-bit values (128 tiles wide by 64 tiles high == 8192 tiles total.) Each 16-bit value is a code, such as 0xC0D3. The formula ((x * MAP_HEIGHT) + y) * 2 (where MAP_HEIGHT is 64) will provide the offset (in bytes) into the map file where that grid's 16-bit code is located.

Once the code is found, its lower 14 bits are isolated (e.g. code & 0x3FFF) which provides an ID that is listed in the tile mapping table (see below.) The tile mapping table then provides an index into the graphics file for the image that should be displayed at that grid location. The upper two bits are only used during gameplay to record information about which tiles are on screen at any given time.[1] The official games all seem to have these upper two bits set in the map file, so it's probably a good idea to do the same when writing out modified maps.

For example, if the 16-bit code is 0xC0D3, then isolating the lower three nybbles will provide the number 0x00D3. At the entry for ID 0x00D3 in the tile mapping table, the value might be iTileset as 0x12 and iTile as 0x34. This means that in the graphics file, tileset number 0x12 should be accessed, and tile number 0x34 within that tileset should be drawn at the grid coordinate.

It is also important to note that these values are stored little-endian, like the SHA format. This means that for example the value 0xC0D3 is stored as the two bytes D3-C0, not as C0-D3.

Tile mapping table

There is a separate file in the game directory that contains mappings between tile codes in the background layer and the game's graphics. In Jill of the Jungle this is called JILL.DMA and in Xargon it is TILES.XRx.

This file is arranged as an array of entries, one after the other. Each entry is in the following format:

Data type Description
UINT16LE iMapCode ID used in map file
UINT8 iTile Index into the tileset for the image to use
UINT8 iTileset Index of tileset containing this tile's image (ignore upper two bits - see below)
UINT16LE iFlags Flags for this tile (can stand on, can hurt player, etc.)
UINT8 iLength Length of tile name
char cName[iLength] iLength characters for the tile name. This string is not NULL-terminated.

Note that only the lower six bits of iTileset refer to the tile number. The purpose of the upper unknown bits is unknown. To get a valid tileset index use iTileset & 0x3F.

iFlags is broken up as follows:

Bit Hex Name Description
- 0x0000 <zero> Default solid block
1 0x0001 F_PLAYERTHRU Blocks you can walk, jump or fall through (background tiles, the path on the overhead map, etc.)
2 0x0002 F_STAIR, F_NOTSTAIR (Xargon) Blocks that you can stand on (can also jump up through when combined with F_PLAYERTHRU)
3 0x0004 F_VINE, F_NOTVINE (Xargon) Can climb this block - usually combined with F_PLAYERTHRU (giving 0x0005)
4 0x0008 F_MSGTOUCH Activates game-specific code when touched
5 0x0010 F_MSGDRAW Regular blocks have just one shape, f_msgdraw triggers msg_block(msg_draw) for animated blocks.
6 0x0020 F_MSGUPDATE game-specific code (through msg_block(msg_update)) at every frame. For animated blocks.
7 0x0040 F_INSIDE This block contains text inside it
8 0x0080 F_FRONT object property : Foreground object
9 0x0100 F_TRIGGER Unknown
10 0x0200 F_BACK object property: Background object (e.g. torches)
10 0x0200 F_TINYTHRU (likely PlayerThru when player is in 'mini' mode, unused in Xargon)
11 0x0400 F_ALWAYS object property : "Always updates object"
12 0x0800 F_KILLABLE object property : monster can be killed with regular weapon.
13 0x1000 F_FIREBALL object property : object is a fireball
14 0x2000 F_WATER A water tile. regular player will sink, the S.U.B. and aquatic monster can swim through it, but not out of it
14 0x4000 F_NOT_WATER (Xargon) Not a water tile.
15 0x4000 F_WEAPON object property : object is a regular weapon
16 0x8000 (unused) (unused)

Note that the same "flag set" is used for both blocks and objects. Some properties only apply to blocks, some only apply to objects, some to both (f_msgtouch), and some flags have a different meaning for blocks and tile (e.g. 0x200 and 0x2000).

Object layer

The object layer is drawn in front of the background layer, and contains all the interactive elements of the map, such as points and enemies.

The object data starts straight after the background layer data, so that's at offset 16,384 bytes into the map file (8,192 tiles * two bytes per tile.) The first two bytes in the object layer are a 16-bit integer (UINT16LE) that stores the number of objects in the map, and this is followed by the data for each object, one after the other.

Each object is 31 bytes long, and is stored in the following structure:

Data type Description
UINT8 iType Object type (e.g. a "point item", or an enemy.)
UINT16 iX X-coordinate of object
UINT16 iY Y-coordinate of object
UINT16 iXD object horizontal speed
UINT16 iYD object vertical speed
UINT16 iWidth Width of object
UINT16 iHeight Height of object
UINT16 iState Object sub-type (e.g. what type of "point item"), or current "State" (running, jumping, etc)
UINT16 iSubState object-specific semantic
UINT16 iStateCount object-specific semantic, typically a frame counter
UINT16 iCounter Various uses. Often used to link doors or switches to obstacles.
UINT16 iFlags internally used for rendering.
UINT32 lPointer Used internally as a pointer. If this value is 0, there is no entry for this object in the string stack (see below.) Any non-zero value means there is an entry for this object in the string stack.
UINT16 iInfo1 Unknown
UINT16 iZapHold Unknown

At the present time it is assumed (perhaps hoped) that objects can be mapped to images in the same way as the tiles in the background layer can be mapped to images, but as yet there is no known way of doing this.

Savegame data

Saved games are "snapshots" of the current level state, which is why some spare room exists in the map format to allow special data to be saved.


In Jill of the Jungle, this section is 70 bytes long.

Data type Name Description
INT16LE level Level number, displayed in the status screen
INT16LE health Player health, 0..8, 0=dead, 8=full
INT16LE inventoryLength Number of items in the inventory
INT16LE[16] inventory Space for up to 16 inventory items, only the first inventoryLength entries are valid. (Note that used items such as keys are not removed from this stack, but items are rearranged to override the key value, according to the amount of items displayed in the inventory)
UINT32LE score Player score
BYTE[28] pad Padding, set to zero
InvItemNumber Description
0 Morph: Jill
1 Key: Red Key
2 Weapon: Knive
3 Key: Crystal Rock
4 Morph: Frog
5 Morph: Fire bird
6 Bag of coins (?)
7 Morph: Fish
8 Weapon: Blade
9 Bonus: High Jump


In Xargon, this section is 97 bytes long.

Data type Name Description
INT16LE level Level number, displayed in the status screen
INT16LE health Player health, 0..5, 0=dead, 5=full
INT16LE emeralds Number of emeralds
INT16LE inventoryLength Number of items in the inventory
INT16LE[30] inventory Space for up to 30 inventory items, only the first inventoryLength entries are valid
INT16LE ouched Player highlight state, set to zero, used during gameplay only. Makes player flash red/blue/etc. depending on current state.
BYTE[22] pad Padding, set to zero
UINT32LE score Player score
INT8 fruit Number of fruit items (collecting 16 fruits gets one health bar)
Inventory item Name Description (from source code)[3]
0 inv_hero Hero, as in a life? NADA
1 inv_mapkey Opens doors on MAP
2 inv_epic For EPIC bonus
3 inv_fire Fireballs
4 inv_laser Extra laser bullets
5 inv_bird Hero turns into bumblebee
6 inv_fish Underwater bubble
7 inv_rock Rock to throw
8 inv_jump High jump
9 inv_invin Invincibility
10 inv_icon1
11 inv_icon2
12 inv_icon3
13 inv_key0 Keys open doors
14 inv_key1
15 inv_key2
16 inv_key3

String stack

The Strings Stack is just a bunch of arbitrary strings (can be either text or file references). Each entry starts with an unsigned short integer defining the length of the incoming string. Note that the string is always followed by a null byte (so if "length of next entry" is 12, you only have the string size and should not forget to read an extra byte to reach the next entry). The string stack's entries are used for iType[20] ("write text"), 21 ("write text in big") and 12 ("checkpoints") and can contain music filenames, demo filenames, next level filenames or arbitrary text content.

In Xargon and Jill, the checkpoint type contains a string:

  • If the first character of this string is '*' then the rest of the string is taken to be the filename of the music file to play in that level.
  • If the first character is '#' then the string is also a music file, but it is only played if there is no song currently playing, or the level number is between 1 and 32 inclusive. This is probably used for the main menu/credits/etc. so as not to interrupt the theme song when displaying those "levels", and it is used for the map level so the theme music keeps playing (rather than starting from the beginning again) when starting a game.
  • The first character of the string can also be '&' which, in Xargon, forces the song to be song_33.xr1 and in Jill does not change the song. The rest of the string as a macro filename, to be read and played back as a demo. This is used in the ending sequences.

Object iTypes

Here's a list of objects used in Jill maps. A brief Xargon list is available in the source code.

iXD and iYD defines both speed and direction of items and ennemies. Positive values goes to right and down while values under zero move the object left and up. lPointer referes to a segment of memory and is likely used to store entries from the string stack, that's why the gap between two consecutive pointers equals 65536 (this is the maximum size in byte of a string in the stack) Playable objects must be the first entry in the list to avoid a weird "scroll to first entity" bug in Jill


  • iType[0] (PLAYER) Playable: Jill (level)
ObjectInfo1 (sometimes '-1'): usage unknown
  • iType[23] (TINY) Playable: Jill (map overview in Jill3)
  • iType[54] (JILLFISH) Playable: Fish (never used in maps - if player dies, restart as Jill)
  • iType[56] (JILLBIRD) Playable: Firebird (never used in maps - if player dies, restart as Jill)
  • iType[57] (JILLFROG) Playable: Frog (never used in maps - if player dies, restart as Jill)
  • iType[12] (CHECKPT) Trigger: Checkpoint
iXD ('> 0'): X position of start in new map
iYD ('> 0'): Y position of start in new map
iState: If set to 1, the level is reset to it's initial state if player dies. If set to 0, the level's state is unchanged if player dies.
iCounter ('>= 0'): checkpoint/level number
iPointer: pointer
NOTE: Always lock access to previous checkpoint when the player reaches a new checkpoint. This item reads an entry from the string stack: a single-character code and a filename. If the code is "*", it means "load and play this song from the beginning". If the code is "#", it means "keep on playing this song". If the code is "!", then there's no filename and it means "load previous map". If there's no code, then the filename is the next level to load.
  • iType[15] (PAD) Trigger: Touch Trigger
iCounter ('>= 0'): target tag
  • iType[32] (SWITCH) Trigger: Switch
iState (usually '0'): switch position, if target is off, set to '1'
iXD (usually '0'): set to '0' when triggering two objects with different start states (one bridge 'off' and a wall 'on' for example)
  • iType[52] (BUTTON) Trigger: Press Button
iXD (set to '1' to face right, '-1' to face left): direction
iState (set to '1' if target is off)
iSubState: usage unknown, rarely used
iCounter ('>= 0'): target tag
  • iType[24] (DOOR) Misc: Locked Door
iYD (usually '0', set to '1' for crystal): required key type
iCounter ('>= 0'): self tag
  • iType[25] (FALLDOOR) Misc: Collapsing ceiling
iCounter ('>= 0'): self tag
  • iType[26] (BRIDGER) Misc: Toggle Wall
iXD (set to 1 for horizontal/floor)
iYD (set to 1 for vertical/wall)
iCounter ('>= 0'): self tag
NOTE: If set as wall, must be placed on top of the wall, if set as floor, must be placed on the far left of the floor. By default, these walls are "off", use "ELEVMID" tiles for wall and "BRIDGE" for floor. Walls and bridges cannot go through two different types of tiles.
  • iType[44] (KNIGHT) Misc: Knight
iState (set to '1' for start on, '0' for start off): initial state
iStateCount (set to '6' for 'none shall pass')
iCounter ('>= 0'): self tag (toggle when triggered)
  • iType[61] (ELEV) Misc: Lift
iCounter (usually '0'): if set to '-1', do not return to initial state
NOTE: When going up, the elevator will travel until the player hits a solid tile. When going down, the elevator will erase "ELEVMID" tiles, replacing them with the tile directly above. "ELEVBOT" tiles look the same as "ELEVMID" tiles, but an elevator will not travel through it.

Items & Bonus

  • iType[1] (APPLE) Bonus: Apple
  • iType[28] (TOKEN) Bonus: Pickup Item & morphing icons
iCounter ('>= 0'): item type (can be anything from 0 to 9 and matches the inventory item number)
  • iType[2] (KNIFE) Weapon: Knife
  • iType[14] (KEY) Key: Old Red Key
  • iType[33] (GEM) Key: Crystal
iCounter (rarely set to '1'): usage unknown


  • iType[4] (BIGANT) Green bug
iXD (usually '2'): movement speed
  • iType[7] (DEMON) Devil
  • iType[8] (BUNNY) Bunny
  • iType[9] (INCHWORM) Worm
iXD (usually '2'): movement speed
  • iType[11] (BOBSLUG) Giant Slug
iXD (usually '2'): movement speed
  • iType[17] (FATSO) Lizard Man
iXD (usually '2'): movement speed
  • iType[22] (FROG) Frog
  • iType[29] (ANT) Giant Ant
iXD (usually '3'): movement speed
  • iType[30] (PHOENIX) Phoenix
iXD (usually '3'): movement speed
  • iType[39] (SNAKE) Invincible Snake
iXD (usually '2'): movement speed
  • iType[43] (BAT) Giant Bat
  • iType[45] (BEENEST) Hive
  • iType[46] (BEESWARM) Bees
  • iType[47] (CRAB) Crab
  • iType[48] (CROC) Gator
iXD (usually '2'): movement speed
  • iType[53] (PAC) Ghost
iXD (usually '2'): initial direction
iCounter (usually '2'): movement speed
NOTE: Ghosts move along the same tile type
  • iType[59] (JELLYFISH) Jellyfish
  • iType[60] (BADFISH) Eels


  • iType[35] (BOULDER) Rolling Stone
  • iType[38] (STALAG) Falling Spike
iCounter ('>= 0'): self tag (fall when triggered)
  • iType[41] (BOLL) Boucing Ball
iCounter (usually '4'): ball type (0-small, 3-red, 4-green)
  • iType[65] (VINECLIMB) Sparks
iYD (usually '2'): movement speed
NOTE: Sparks move along the same tile type


  • iType[13] (PAUL) Misc: Prince
iState (''): object animation frame
  • iType[19] (CLOUD) Misc: Cloud
iCounter ('>= 0'): usage unknown
iXD (''): movement speed
  • iType[20] (TEXT6) Misc: Write text (small capital letters)
iXD (''): CGA color index number
iYD (usually '-1' for transparent): background color
lPointer: pointer
NOTE: This item reads an entry from the string stack
  • iType[21] (TEXT8) Misc: Write text (big letters)
iXD (''): CGA color index number
iYD (usually '-1' for transparent): background color
lPointer: pointer
NOTE: This item reads an entry from the string stack
  • iType[40] (SEAROCK) Misc: Underwater Rock
  • iType[42] (MEGA) Misc: Huge letter
iXD ('>= 0'): letter type (0-M, 1-E, 2-G, 3-A, 4-S)
iCounter ('>= 0'): self tag (fall when triggered)
  • iType[49] (EPIC) Misc: Epic Logo
  • iType[51] (SKULL) Misc: Big Skull
iCounter ('>= 0'): self tag (laugh with red gloomy eyes when triggered)
  • iType[64] (EYE) Misc: Eye
  • iType[66] (FLAG) Misc: Flag
  • iType[67] (MAPDEMO) Misc: "Demo"/"Map" sign
iXD (sign type, '>= 0'): set to '1' for "map", '0' for "demo"


  • iType[3] ? (buggy/unusable)
  • iType[5] ? (buggy/unusable)
  • iType[10] ? (buggy/unusable)
  • iType[16] ? (buggy/unusable)
  • iType[27] ? (buggy/unusable)
  • iType[34] ? (buggy/unusable)
  • iType[50] ? (buggy/unusable)
  • iType[55] ? (buggy/unusable)
  • iType[6] Buggy: harmless firebird
  • iType[18] Saves: Demon attack
iSpeedX (''): Horizontal speed
iSpeedY (''): Vertical speed
  • iType[31] Saves: flame attack
  • iType[36] Saves: Particle
iState (''): color
iSpeedX (''): velocity X
iSpeedY (''): velocity Y
iFlag ('16384'): Unknow
iCounter (''): Unknow
  • iType[37] Saves: Pain effect
  • iType[58] Saves: Bubbles
iFlag ('16384'): Unknow
  • iType[62] Saves: Player attack (fireball)
  • iType[63] Saves: Player attack (fish)



This file format was reverse engineered by Malvineous, Ilovemyq3map2 and SaxxonPike. If you find this information helpful in a project you're working on, please give credit where credit is due. (A link back to this wiki would be nice too!)