F1 Manager Professional

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F1 Manager Professional
F1 Manager Professional.jpg
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Levels?X mark.svg Not editable
Tiles?X mark.svg Not editable
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Music?X mark.svg Not editable
Text?Tick.png Editable
Story/cutscenes?X mark.svg Not editable
UI/menus?X mark.svg Not editable

F1 Manager Professional is a 1997 F1 management simulation by Software 2000. It is the successor to the 1996 german-only title F1 Manager 96.

Obtaining the game

The full version of this game can be downloaded as abandonware. There is also a modded version with updated game data for up to the 2020 F1 season.


The following tools are able to work with this game.

Name PlatformArchives Levels Graphics Music Sounds Text Saves .exe patch Notes
JavaNoNoNoNoNoNoNoRead Ghidra with a custom loader can make sense of the LE packed game
Proline Resource Editor JavaReadNoReadNoNoNoNoNo Decodes and shows various sprites and PCX backgrounds found in f1_e.rsc (WIP)
Point-System editor JavaNoNoNoNoNoNoNoEdit Can change the awarded points for each race position
F1MP Editor DOS4GWNoNoNoNoNoNoNoEdit WIP Editor build with Watcom C for usage directly in DOS

File formats

The following file formats are used by this game.

Filename Format Details
F1.exe Linear Executable (LX/LE) Format Game executable
F1.CFG CFG Format (F1 Manager Professional) Game settings
NOTIZEN*.TMP TMP Format (F1 Manager Professional) In-game notes as taken by players on drivers, tracks, etc.
F1_e.rsc RSC Format (F1 Manager Professional) Archive containing color palettes, PCX images and sprites
USER_E.RSC RSC Format (F1 Manager Professional) Archive containing color palettes, PCX images and sprites
3D.RSC RSC Format (F1 Manager Professional) 3D assets for BRender
FAHRER.DAT DAT Format (F1 Manager Professional) Static driver data (directly loaded into memory by the game)
INGS.DAT DAT Format (F1 Manager Professional) Static engineers data (directly loaded into memory by the game)
MOTOREN.DAT DAT Format (F1 Manager Professional) Static car engines data (directly loaded into memory by the game)
SPONSOR.DAT DAT Format (F1 Manager Professional) Static sponsors data (directly loaded into memory by the game)
STRECKEN.DAT DAT Format (F1 Manager Professional) Static track data (directly loaded into memory by the game)
STRINFO.DAT DAT Format (F1 Manager Professional) Static track information data (directly loaded into memory by the game)
TEAMS.DAT DAT Format (F1 Manager Professional) Static teams data (directly loaded into memory by the game)


The f1_e.rsc contains unnamed files of the following formats:

Filename Format Details
*.pal VGA Palette VGA palettes
*.pcx PCX Format 640 x 480 pixel backgrounds
* Variable sized sprites
* Sound effects (mostly unknown)

A more detailed writeup of the contents can be found at https://github.com/yetmorecode/f1-manager-professional-editor/blob/master/doc/rsc/format.md.


The 3d.rsc contains the 3D models for 17 tracks, the design studio previews and some more assets. The following formats are used (omitting files with redundant formats):

Filename Format Details
MONACO/MONACO.ACT DAT Format (BRender Datafile) BRender actor hierarchy for the track (includes materials and lights)
MONACO/MONACO.MOD DAT Format (BRender Datafile) BRender models (multiple models for trees, grandstands, etc.)
MONACO/MONACO.CAM DAT Format (BRender Datafile) BRender camera definitions
TEXTUREN/*.8 Supposedly textures
BDD/*.BDD BDD Format (BRender Driver) BRender graphics drivers

The full list of extracted files from 3d.rsc is available at: https://github.com/yetmorecode/f1edit/tree/main/3d


  • The game is 32bit and requires the DOS4G(W) DOS Extender (or anything compatible).
  • DOS4G(W) can safely be replaced with dos32a, which has sources available and makes it considerably easier stepping past the initial loader stage in a debugger
  • Text strings are embedded in the game executable and can be freely changed with just a hex editor