Commander Keen 4-6

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Commander Keen 4-6
Commander Keen 4.png
Mod-Commander Keen 4-6.png
Levels?Tick.png Editable
Tiles?Tick.png Editable
Sprites?Tick.png Editable
Fullscreen?Tick.png Editable
Sound?Tick.png Editable
Music?Tick.png Editable
Text?Tick.png Editable
Story/cutscenes?Tick.png Editable
UI/menus?Tick.png Editable

Commander Keen: Goodbye Galaxy is a very popular platform scroller, which set the benchmark for this style of game on a PC.

There is a large amount of modding info in the modding section of the KeenWiki and there is an extensive patch library allowing the game to be extended and changed considerably.


The following tools are able to work with this game.

Name PlatformArchives Levels Graphics Music Sounds Text Saves .exe patch Notes
Abiathar WindowsN/AEditNoReplaceEditNoNoNo
IMF Creator WindowsN/ANoNoCreateNoNoNoYes
Keen: Next WindowsN/AEditNoNoNoNoNoNo
Keengraph DOS/Win/LinuxN/ANoEditNoNoNoNoNo
KeenWave DOS/Win/LinuxN/ANoNoReplaceEditNoNoNo
EModKeen/LModKeen Win/LinuxN/ANoEditNoNoNoNoNo
GalaxyView WindowsN/AViewViewNoNoNoNoNo
ModKeen DOSN/ANoEditNoNoNoNoNo
The Omegamatic WindowsN/AEditNoNoNoNoNoNo
The Photachyon Transceiver WindowsN/AEditNoNoNoNoNoNo
Startext DOSN/ANoNoNoNoEditNoNo
Wombat WindowsN/AViewViewViewViewViewNoNo

File formats

The following file formats are used by this game.

Filename Format Details[456] AudioT Format, IMF Format Sound and music[456] Keen 4-6 Configuration File Settings and high scores[456] EGAGraph Format Graphics, text and miscellaneous data[456] GameMaps Format Level maps
keen[456]e.exe B800 Text, Keen 4-6 Action Format There are a couple of text screens in the main .EXE file (including the text displayed on the screen when you quit)
keen[456]e.exe Keen 4-6 Action Format Sprite behaviours are governed by this
keen[456]e.exe Keen 4-6 Tileinfo Format Tile information are governed by this

The main executable also contains a number of important blocks of data. The offsets below apply after removing LZEXE compression. "xGA" refers to "CGA" or "EGA" depending on the game variant. There is no MAPDICT.CKx for any of the games as the maps are not Huffman-compressed.

Offset Length Offset Length Offset Length Offset Length Offset Length
KEEN4C.EXE 248480 1.0 131984 652 216486 1024 146880 402 + 23004 132640 14232 217510 1024
248496 1.1 132000 652 216502 1024 146896 402 + 23004 132656 14232 217526 1024
253056 1.4 136096 652 221020 1024 151008 402 + 23004 136752 14256 222044 1024
KEEN4E.EXE 262240 1.0 Demo N/A N/A N/A N/A 136336 402 + 23004 159744 18780 229382 1024
258064 1.0 141696 652 224758 1024 156592 402 + 23004 142352 14232 225782 1024
259232 1.1 142672 652 225922 1024 157568 402 + 23004 143328 14232 226946 1024
259920 1.2 143264 652 226612 1024 158176 402 + 23004 143920 14256 227636 1024
263488 1.4 146416 652 230134 1024 161328 402 + 23004 147072 14256 231158 1024
263488 1.4f 146416 652 230134 1024 161328 402 + 23004 147072 14256 231158 1024
264864 1.4g 147664 652 231382 1024 162576 402 + 23004 148320 14256 232406 1024
KEEN5C.EXE ? 1.0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
255248 1.4 138944 828 222600 1024 154576 402 + 23688 139776 14790 223624 1024
KEEN5E.EXE 262176 1.0 146032 828 228234 1024 161664 402 + 23688 146864 14796 229258 1024
266096 1.4 149632 828 232132 1024 165264 402 + 23688 150464 14796 233156 1024
267616 1.4g 151008 828 233508 1024 166640 402 + 23688 151840 14796 234532 1024
KEEN6C.EXE 256656 1.0 130848 760 222626 1024 148288 402 + 23904 131616 16665 223650 1024
261984 1.4 135728 760 227888 1024 153168 402 + 23904 136496 16665 228912 1024
261456 1.5 135072 760 227232 1024 152512 402 + 23904 135840 16665 228256 1024
KEEN6E.EXE 236112 1.0 Demo 123872 588 203328 1024 137568 402 + 19152 124464 13098 204352 1024
238368 1.0 Promo 126224 588 205590 1024 139920 402 + 19152 126816 13098 206614 1024
266032 1.0 140320 760 230674 1024 157776 402 + 23904 141088 16683 231698 1024
271696 1.4 145488 760 236270 1024 162944 402 + 23904 146256 16683 237294 1024
270896 1.5 164528 760 235342 1024 181984 402 + 23904 165296 16683 236366 1024

Note that the offsets and EXE sizes given here are only valid for files that have been decompressed with UNLZEXE. Decompressing the executables with other utilities like UNP may generate executables with a slightly different header size and therefore the size of the executable will not match the values listed above and the offsets will be invalid for such files.

AudioT Format Details

Keen 4, 5 and 6 use the compressed version of the AudioT Format to store music and sound. The main audio file for each game, the file, is called AUDIO.CKx (for example, AUDIO.CK4 for Keen 4).

The two secondary files needed for this format, the AUDIOHED.CKx and AUDIODCT.CKx, are embedded inside the main .exe file of each game as listed above.

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