ArtCraft Resource File Format

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ArtCraft Resource File Format
Format typeArchive
Max filesSet by FAT length
File Allocation Table (FAT)External
Supports compression?No
Supports encryption?No
Supports subdirectories?No
Hidden data?No

The ArtCraft Resource File Format is used by games of the Korean developer Artcraft. The format itself stores no offsets and/or file names. Instead, file tables are stored in the game EXE files.

The format is very similar to SoftMax Resource File Format, which is used in the later released game Sky & Rica.

File format


Lychnis uses the following signature:

Data type Name Description
BYTE[0x20] cSignature "(C) ArtCraft Resource File" 0x1A 0x00*5


The File Allocation Table is stored in the game executables.

Lychnis separately stores a list of file names (13-character strings, NULL-terminated), a list of UINT32LE file offsets and a list of UINT32LE file sizes. The lists are stored consecutively and in that order. The main executable LYCHNIS.EXE only contains a FAT for LYCHNIS2.RES. The resource file itself contains other executables, which also only contain the FAT for one of the two resource files.

EXE File Resource file Number of files File names File offsets File sizes
LYCHNIS.EXE lychnis2.res 114 0x00ECC0 0x00F28A 0x00F452
LYCH1 lychnis1.res 226 0x014CD0 0x01584A 0x015BD2
LYCH1P lychnis1.res 226 0x012D32 0x0138AC 0x013C34
LYCH2 lychnis1.res 226 0x016DEE 0x017968 0x017CF0
LYCH2P lychnis1.res 226 0x01661C 0x017196 0x01751E
LYCH3 lychnis1.res 226 0x015564 0x0160DE 0x016466
LYCH3P lychnis1.res 226 0x014D72 0x0158EC 0x015C74
LYCH4 lychnis1.res 226 0x01454E 0x0150C8 0x015450
LYCH5 lychnis1.res 226 0x014D70 0x0158EA 0x015C72
LYCHB6 lychnis2.res 114 0x00C8F8 0x00CEC2 0x00D08A
BONUS lychnis1.res 226 0x01281C 0x013396 0x01371E

The file tables match between all executables that use the same resource file.

List of files

The following table lists the contents of LYCHNIS2.RES. Game executables can be renamed to .exe and executed directly. They read the configuration file LYCH.CFG to get the level to load.

File # Offset Size Filename Format Notes
0 0x000020 1372 MAP.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
1 0x00057C 1372 OPENING1.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
2 0x000AD8 1372 OPENING2.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
3 0x001034 1372 P-SELECT.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
4 0x001590 1372 SHOP.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
5 0x001AEC 1372 SLOT.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
6 0x002048 1372 STAFFROL.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
7 0x0025A4 1372 TITLE2.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
8 0x002B00 15497 MAP.IMS IMS Format
9 0x006789 9028 OPENING1.IMS IMS Format
10 0x008ACD 5150 OPENING2.IMS IMS Format
11 0x009EEB 5184 P-SELECT.IMS IMS Format
12 0x00B32B 9532 SHOP.IMS IMS Format
13 0x00D867 9395 SLOT.IMS IMS Format
14 0x00FD1A 20001 STAFFROL.IMS IMS Format
15 0x014B3B 6596 TITLE2.IMS IMS Format
16 0x0164FF 12583 DRAGON.PCX PCX Format
17 0x019626 16566 ENDBACK.PCX PCX Format
18 0x01D6DC 7529 LOGO.PCX PCX Format
19 0x01F445 23289 MAP.PCX PCX Format
20 0x024F3E 19887 OPBACK.PCX PCX Format
21 0x029CED 14145 OPGONG.PCX PCX Format
22 0x02D42E 14393 OPIRIS.PCX PCX Format
23 0x030C67 7152 OPLYCH.PCX PCX Format
24 0x032857 26316 PLS.PCX PCX Format
25 0x038F23 36965 SHOP.PCX PCX Format
26 0x041F88 41849 SLOTBOX.PCX PCX Format
27 0x04C301 18666 STAFFB.PCX PCX Format
28 0x050BEB 10158 TITLE1.PCX PCX Format
29 0x053399 11358 TITLE2.PCX PCX Format
30 0x055FF7 768 DRAGON.PAL 6-bit VGA Palette
31 0x0562F7 768 ENDING.PAL 6-bit VGA Palette
32 0x0565F7 768 LOGO.PAL 6-bit VGA Palette
33 0x0568F7 768 MAP.PAL 6-bit VGA Palette
34 0x056BF7 768 OPEN.PAL 6-bit VGA Palette
35 0x056EF7 768 PLS.PAL 6-bit VGA Palette
36 0x0571F7 768 SHOP.PAL 6-bit VGA Palette
37 0x0574F7 768 SLOTBOX.PAL 6-bit VGA Palette
38 0x0577F7 768 STAFFROL.PAL 6-bit VGA Palette
39 0x057AF7 768 TITLE.PAL 6-bit VGA Palette
40 0x057DF7 33418 CAST.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
41 0x060081 1581 CURSOR.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
42 0x0606AE 8197 ENDING.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
43 0x0626B3 1179 EYE.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
44 0x062B4E 13740 IRISTITL.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
45 0x0660FA 9719 KA.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
46 0x0686F1 6067 LYCHTITL.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
47 0x069EA4 3165 MAPFACE.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
48 0x06AB01 1526 MAPMARK.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
49 0x06B0F7 26795 NARR1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
50 0x0719A2 22665 NARR2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
51 0x07722B 14806 NARR3.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
52 0x07AC01 18584 NARR4.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
53 0x07F499 2064 NUMBER.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
54 0x07FCA9 11032 OPTION.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
55 0x0827C1 13260 OX.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
56 0x085B8D 33587 PLS.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
57 0x08DEC0 5187 ROCK.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
58 0x08F303 16277 SAKI.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
59 0x093298 4160 SHOPCOIN.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
60 0x0942D8 15214 SHOPFACE.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
61 0x097E46 29187 SHOPMSG.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
62 0x09F049 25144 SLOT.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
63 0x0A5281 6476 SLOTNUM.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
64 0x0A6BCD 34564 STAFFROL.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
65 0x0AF2D1 2316 T1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
66 0x0AFBDD 1204 T2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
67 0x0B0091 8937 TIT.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
68 0x0B237A 3240 TIT2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
69 0x0B3022 8825 TIT3.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
70 0x0B529B 26018 WEAPON.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
71 0x0BB83D 4471 CHOICE.VOC VOC Format
72 0x0BC9B4 59631 LOGO.VOC VOC Format
73 0x0CB2A3 1523 SELECT.VOC VOC Format
74 0x0CB896 83066 BONUS Game Executable Bonus Stages
75 0x0DFD10 92462 LYCH1 Game Executable Stages 1-x
76 0x0F663E 100940 LYCH2 Game Executable Stages 2-x
77 0x10F08A 94658 LYCH3 Game Executable Stages 3-x
78 0x12624C 90540 LYCH4 Game Executable Stages 4-x
79 0x13C3F8 92622 LYCH5 Game Executable Stages 5-x
80 0x152DC6 83048 LYCH1P Game Executable Stage 1-3 Demo Play (with Lychnis)
81 0x16722E 99264 LYCH2P Game Executable Stage 2-2 Demo Play (with Iris)
82 0x17F5EE 92950 LYCH3P Game Executable Stage 3-2 Demo Play (with Lychnis)
83 0x196104 768 STAGE5.PAL 6-bit VGA Palette
84 0x196404 23859 ST6BS.PCX PCX Format
85 0x19C137 9010 BING.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
86 0x19E469 15009 BOSSSLOT.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
87 0x1A1F0A 6154 EFF1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
88 0x1A3714 2221 EFF2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
89 0x1A3FC1 17653 INFO6.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
90 0x1A84B6 28250 IRIS1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
91 0x1AF310 11760 ITEM15.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
92 0x1B2100 10307 ITEM2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
93 0x1B4943 30352 LYCHNIS1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
94 0x1BBFD3 8627 MOLEN31.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
95 0x1BE186 53463 NBOSS6.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
96 0x1CB25D 7707 NBOSS622.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
97 0x1CD078 4982 NUMBER2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
98 0x1CE3EE 5204 PPANG.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
99 0x1CF842 1372 CLEARSTG.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
100 0x1CFD9E 1372 FINALBOS.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
101 0x1D02FA 1372 CLEAR.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
102 0x1D0856 1372 GAMEOVER.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
103 0x1D0DB2 1496 CLEAR.IMS IMS Format
104 0x1D138A 52550 FINALBOS.IMS IMS Format
105 0x1DE0D0 3733 GAMEOVER.IMS IMS Format
106 0x1DEF65 4161 ATTACK.VOC VOC Format
107 0x1DFFA6 9783 BOMB.VOC VOC Format
108 0x1E25DD 5621 DEFENCE.VOC VOC Format
109 0x1E3BD2 5379 ITEM2.VOC VOC Format
110 0x1E50D5 1869 MAGIC1.VOC VOC Format
111 0x1E5822 15426 NPAUSE.VOC VOC Format
112 0x1E9464 2251 SWORD1.VOC VOC Format
113 0x1E9D2F 56368 LYCHB6 Game Executable Final Boss

The following table lists the contents of LYCHNIS1.RES.

File # Offset Size Filename Format Notes
0 0x000020 239 STEP.VOC VOC Format
1 0x00010F 1523 SELECT.VOC VOC Format
2 0x000702 1869 MAGIC1.VOC VOC Format
3 0x000E4F 2251 SWORD1.VOC VOC Format
4 0x00171A 2797 BOPEN.VOC VOC Format
5 0x002207 2968 ZZZ.VOC VOC Format
6 0x002D9F 3296 ITEM.VOC VOC Format
7 0x003A7F 4161 ATTACK.VOC VOC Format
8 0x004AC0 4352 BIRD.VOC VOC Format
9 0x005BC0 4471 CHOICE.VOC VOC Format
10 0x006D37 5379 ITEM2.VOC VOC Format
11 0x00823A 5503 XITEM.VOC VOC Format
12 0x0097B9 5621 DEFENCE.VOC VOC Format
13 0x00ADAE 7047 COIN.VOC VOC Format
14 0x00C935 7476 1UP.VOC VOC Format
15 0x00E669 9783 BOMB.VOC VOC Format
16 0x010CA0 15426 NPAUSE.VOC VOC Format
17 0x0148E2 4377 BALL.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
18 0x0159FB 2323 BAT1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
19 0x01630E 2339 BAT2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
20 0x016C31 12780 BEAR1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
21 0x019E1D 6658 CACTUS1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
22 0x01B81F 6676 CACTUS2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
23 0x01D233 3348 CONCH1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
24 0x01DF47 4095 CRAB1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
25 0x01EF46 4113 CRAB2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
26 0x01FF57 3518 CRAW1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
27 0x020D15 3444 CRAW2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
28 0x021A89 8730 EFF1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
29 0x023CA3 3253 EFF2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
30 0x024958 6296 FBIRD1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
31 0x0261F0 6442 FBIRD2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
32 0x027B1A 6965 FIRE1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
33 0x02964F 6967 FIRE2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
34 0x02B186 6202 FROG1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
35 0x02C9C0 6168 FROG2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
36 0x02E1D8 2755 GRASS1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
37 0x02EC9B 2745 GRASS2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
38 0x02F754 3130 HEDGEN1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
39 0x03038E 2447 HEDGEN2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
40 0x030D1D 3438 HORSE1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
41 0x031A8B 3262 HORSE2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
42 0x032749 5783 ICICLE1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
43 0x033DE0 20713 INFO1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
44 0x038EC9 21209 INFO2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
45 0x03E1A2 20315 INFO3.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
46 0x0430FD 20430 INFO4.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
47 0x0480CB 20895 INFO5.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
48 0x04D26A 22068 INFOB.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
49 0x05289E 20525 IRIS1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
50 0x0578CB 20275 IRIS2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
51 0x05C7FE 11949 ITEM11.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
52 0x05F6AB 11868 ITEM12.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
53 0x062507 12084 ITEM13.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
54 0x06543B 11929 ITEM14.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
55 0x0682D4 11760 ITEM15.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
56 0x06B0C4 11718 ITEM1B.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
57 0x06DE8A 10307 ITEM2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
58 0x0706CD 3614 LIEBOX1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
59 0x0714EB 3500 LIEBOX2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
60 0x072297 21479 LYCHNIS1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
61 0x07767E 22061 LYCHNIS2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
62 0x07CCAB 1437 MAGIC10.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
63 0x07D248 1476 MAGIC11.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
64 0x07D80C 1863 MAGIC12.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
65 0x07DF53 1941 MAGIC13.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
66 0x07E6E8 2524 MAGIC14.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
67 0x07F0C4 1575 MAGIC20.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
68 0x07F6EB 1542 MAGIC21.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
69 0x07FCF1 1919 MAGIC22.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
70 0x080470 2029 MAGIC23.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
71 0x080C5D 2714 MAGIC24.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
72 0x0816F7 3360 MOLEGHO1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
73 0x082417 3400 MOLEGHO2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
74 0x08315F 8224 MOLEN1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
75 0x08517F 8496 MOLEN2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
76 0x0872AF 8604 MOLEN21.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
77 0x08944B 9244 MOLEN22.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
78 0x08B867 8627 MOLEN31.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
79 0x08DA1A 8557 MOLEN32.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
80 0x08FB87 6175 MOLEN41.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
81 0x0913A6 6489 MOLEN42.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
82 0x092CFF 2274 MOUSE1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
83 0x0935E1 2270 MOUSE2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
84 0x093EBF 5558 MUSHN1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
85 0x095475 5614 MUSHN2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
86 0x096A63 4982 NUMBER2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
87 0x097DD9 5579 OWLN1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
88 0x0993A4 6360 PELICAN1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
89 0x09AC7C 6556 PELICAN2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
90 0x09C618 10056 PENGUIN1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
91 0x09ED60 9734 PENGUIN2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
92 0x0A1366 6266 PUMPKIN1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
93 0x0A2BE0 6256 PUMPKIN2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
94 0x0A4450 1678 RAFT.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
95 0x0A4ADE 2989 RMOLE1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
96 0x0A568B 2903 RMOLE2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
97 0x0A61E2 3275 SALAMAN1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
98 0x0A6EAD 3297 SALAMAN2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
99 0x0A7B8E 2948 SCOLP1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
100 0x0A8712 2908 SCOLP2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
101 0x0A926E 4394 SKULL1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
102 0x0AA398 4394 SKULL2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
103 0x0AB4C2 3896 SNAIL1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
104 0x0AC3FA 3886 SNAIL2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
105 0x0AD328 5517 SNOWMAN1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
106 0x0AE8B5 5649 SNOWMAN2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
107 0x0AFEC6 4955 SPEAR1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
108 0x0B1221 4955 SPEAR2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
109 0x0B257C 1824 SWORD10.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
110 0x0B2C9C 1807 SWORD11.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
111 0x0B33AB 2496 SWORD12.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
112 0x0B3D6B 2536 SWORD13.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
113 0x0B4753 2945 SWORD14.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
114 0x0B52D4 3126 SWORD15.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
115 0x0B5F0A 1952 SWORD20.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
116 0x0B66AA 1933 SWORD21.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
117 0x0B6E37 2660 SWORD22.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
118 0x0B789B 2682 SWORD23.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
119 0x0B8315 3065 SWORD24.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
120 0x0B8F0E 3212 SWORD25.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
121 0x0B9B9A 2062 TRAIN.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
122 0x0BA3A8 7496 TREE1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
123 0x0BC0F0 7470 TREE2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
124 0x0BDE1E 5645 TURTLE1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
125 0x0BF42B 5791 TURTLE2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
126 0x0C0ACA 2673 VOLCANO.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
127 0x0C153B 9991 ZOMBIE1.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
128 0x0C3C42 10135 ZOMBIE2.SPR NeoTouken Sprite Format
129 0x0C63D9 2555 BONUS1.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
130 0x0C6DD4 2589 BONUS2.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
131 0x0C77F1 542 BONUS3.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
132 0x0C7A0F 534 BONUS4.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
133 0x0C7C25 3342 ST1-1H.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
134 0x0C8933 3505 ST1-1N.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
135 0x0C96E4 3773 ST1-2H.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
136 0x0CA5A1 3316 ST1-2N.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
137 0x0CB295 4523 ST1-3H.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
138 0x0CC440 4564 ST1-3N.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
139 0x0CD614 4926 ST2-1H.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
140 0x0CE952 4206 ST2-1N.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
141 0x0CF9C0 4648 ST2-2H.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
142 0x0D0BE8 4642 ST2-2N.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
143 0x0D1E0A 4898 ST2-3H.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
144 0x0D312C 4296 ST2-3N.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
145 0x0D41F4 3100 ST3-1H.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
146 0x0D4E10 2374 ST3-1N.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
147 0x0D5756 4500 ST3-2H.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
148 0x0D68EA 4572 ST3-2N.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
149 0x0D7AC6 3676 ST3-3H.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
150 0x0D8922 3619 ST3-3N.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
151 0x0D9745 2999 ST4-1H.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
152 0x0DA2FC 2658 ST4-1N.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
153 0x0DAD5E 2305 ST4-2H.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
154 0x0DB65F 1817 ST4-2N.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
155 0x0DBD78 4032 ST4-3H.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
156 0x0DCD38 4143 ST4-3N.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
157 0x0DDD67 4087 ST5-1H.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
158 0x0DED5E 3097 ST5-1N.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
159 0x0DF977 1081 ST5-2H.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
160 0x0DFDB0 1100 ST5-2N.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
161 0x0E01FC 4854 ST5-3H.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
162 0x0E14F2 5055 ST5-3N.SCR ArtCraft Script Format??
163 0x0E28B1 768 STAGE1.PAL 6-bit VGA Palette
164 0x0E2BB1 768 STAGE2.PAL 6-bit VGA Palette
165 0x0E2EB1 768 STAGE3.PAL 6-bit VGA Palette
166 0x0E31B1 768 STAGE4.PAL 6-bit VGA Palette
167 0x0E34B1 768 STAGE5.PAL 6-bit VGA Palette
168 0x0E37B1 22465 BONUSSTG.IMS IMS Format
169 0x0E8F72 1496 CLEAR.IMS IMS Format
170 0x0E954A 3733 GAMEOVER.IMS IMS Format
171 0x0EA3DF 24704 LYCH0001.IMS IMS Format
172 0x0F045F 31708 LYCH0002.IMS IMS Format
173 0x0F803B 35483 LYCH0003.IMS IMS Format
174 0x100AD6 34069 LYCH0004.IMS IMS Format
175 0x108FEB 42622 LYCH0005.IMS IMS Format
176 0x113669 1372 BONUSSTG.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
177 0x113BC5 1372 CLEAR.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
178 0x114121 1372 GAMEOVER.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
179 0x11467D 1372 LYCH0001.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
180 0x114BD9 1372 LYCH0002.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
181 0x115135 1372 LYCH0003.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
182 0x115691 1372 LYCH0004.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
183 0x115BED 1372 LYCH0005.BNK AdLib Instrument Bank Format
184 0x116149 24032 BONUS1.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
185 0x11BF29 8032 BONUS2.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
186 0x11DE89 4032 BONUS3.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
187 0x11EE49 20032 BONUS4.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
188 0x123C89 10272 STAGE1-1.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
189 0x1264A9 64032 STAGE1-2.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
190 0x135EC9 32432 STAGE1-3.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
191 0x13DD79 50032 STAGE2-1.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
192 0x14A0E9 64032 STAGE2-2.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
193 0x159B09 40032 STAGE2-3.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
194 0x163769 42032 STAGE3-1.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
195 0x16DB99 64032 STAGE3-2.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
196 0x17D5B9 64032 STAGE3-3.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
197 0x18CFD9 60032 STAGE4-1.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
198 0x19BA59 64032 STAGE4-2.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
199 0x1AB479 48032 STAGE4-3.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
200 0x1B7019 20032 STAGE5-1.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
201 0x1BBE59 36032 STAGE5-2.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
202 0x1C4B19 24032 STAGE5-3.MAP ArtCraft Level Map
203 0x1CA8F9 131102 BONUS1.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
204 0x1EA917 131102 BONUS2.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
205 0x20A935 131102 BONUS3.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
206 0x22A953 131102 BONUS4.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
207 0x24A971 131102 STAGE1-1.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
208 0x26A98F 131102 STAGE1-2.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
209 0x28A9AD 131102 STAGE1-3.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
210 0x2AA9CB 131102 STAGE2-1.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
211 0x2CA9E9 131102 STAGE2-2.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
212 0x2EAA07 131102 STAGE2-3.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
213 0x30AA25 131102 STAGE3-1.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
214 0x32AA43 131102 STAGE3-2.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
215 0x34AA61 131102 STAGE3-3.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
216 0x36AA7F 131102 STAGE4-1.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
217 0x38AA9D 131102 STAGE4-2.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
218 0x3AAABB 131102 STAGE4-3.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
219 0x3CAAD9 131102 STAGE5-1.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
220 0x3EAAF7 131102 STAGE5-2.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
221 0x40AB15 131102 STAGE5-3.DAT ArtCraft Stage Tiles
222 0x42AB33 15000 ST1-3N.MAC Recorded keys for demo playback
223 0x42E5CB 15000 ST2-2N.MAC Recorded keys for demo playback
224 0x432063 15000 ST3-2N.MAC Recorded keys for demo playback
225 0x435AFB 15000 ST4-1N.MAC Recorded keys for demo playback unused as there is no LYCH4P executable


This file format was reverse engineered by Valley Bell. If you find this information helpful in a project you're working on, please give credit where credit is due. (A link back to this wiki would be nice too!)