Super 3-D Noah's Ark
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Super 3-D Noah's Ark
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This is the PC version of the game Super 3D Noah's Ark by Wisdom Tree Games. It uses a modified (licensed) version of the Wolfenstein 3-D engine, with added support for textured floors and ceilings. Super 3D Noah's Ark's original homepage went down around 2015, but the game is still available on
File formats
As the game uses a licensed version of the Wolfenstein 3-D engine, it shares many of the same file formats, although some have been enhanced.
File formats
The following file formats are used by this game.
Filename | Format | Details |
audiot.n3d audiohed.n3d |
AudioT Format, IMF Format | Archive storing sound effects and music. Note however the files are empty, as the game stores Ogg Vorbis music in a WAD file |
maphead.n3d | GameMaps Format | Levels |
noah3d.pk3 | PK3 file (ZIP) | Contains mainly formatted text files of actor parameters, level parameters, strings and quiz questions. |
noah3d.wad | WAD Format | Archive containing Ogg Vorbis music files |
vswap.n3d | Wolf3D VSWAP file | Contains sprites, textures and sounds at 11025 Hz |
The following is a list of sounds in the VSWAP file
Index | Notes |
0 | Antelope alert |
1 | Bear alert |
2 | Item pickup |
3 | Camel alert |
4 | Door close |
5 | Cantaloupe hit |
6 | Cantaloupe feeder shoot |
7 | Goat kick |
8 | ? |
9 | Animal falling asleep |
10 | Elephant alert |
11 | Life powerup |
12 | Super feeder shoot |
13 | Giraffe alert |
14 | Goat alert |
15 | Small feeder shoot |
16 | ? |
17 | Kangaroo alert |
18 | Level end |
19 | Hand feed |
20 | Monkey alert |
21 | Bear walk |
22 | Door open |
23 | Ostrich alert |
24 | Ox alert |
25 | Player hurt |
26 | Game over |
27 | Secret door |
28 | Sheep alert |
29 | Large feeder shoot |
30 | Animal spit |
31 | Watermelon hit |
32 | Watermelon feeder shoot |
The following tools are able to work with this game.
Name | Platform | Archives | Levels | Graphics | Music | Sounds | Text | Saves | .exe patch | Notes |
Havoc's Wolf3D Editor | Windows | No | Edit | No | No | No | No | No | No | |
SLADE | Windows/Mac | Edit | No | Edit | Edit | Read | No | No | No | Slade erroneously uses Wolf3D's sample rate of 7042Hz, instead of 11025Hz, so the sounds are too slow |